Woman Thrown Off a Plane

This “lady” represents the worst of the WOKE and politically correct Gestapo and wants you to vote them in so they can dictate laws that, like Putin, would allow suppression and arrests for free (government defined) opposing views.

Critical fill-in-blank Theory or Critical Thinking and debate of facts or policies and push back are not allowed. Angry emotional accusations are subliminally introduced as cultural norms across the country when they are really in fact – special interest-free choice decisions that are already legal- like Transgender rights, gay rights, and alphabet soup rights allowed in your nonviolent “Pursuit of Happiness.”

I would protest any suppression of opportunity that our country has worked to afford all people in its history and support the equal opportunity of free speech just as much.

But forcing people to comply against their personal ideals, morals, religion, and individual non-oppressive to others “Pursuit of Happiness” like this “lady” apparently demands is tyranny.

We want to thank Jeff Frost for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

And that type of tyranny started this country in the first place. It is unconstitutional and that is why she was removed from the airplane.

Civil war is not a civilized debate; one or another will win out if the extremes become more persistent and violent, and prevalent.

Her point about Trump’s finger on the Nuke Button is a perfect example. Biden is much closer to an Article 25 removal for competence than Trump ever was.

Trump: Had 2 – Middle East peace agreements and -ISIS and an Iranian General terrorist dead meanwhile while stopping, against his general’s recommendations, a bombing attack on a factory in Iran. He did not carry it out because of empathy and logical concern for civilian workers that would needlessly be killed in a NON-like-kind response to Iran in its shooting down an unmanned Drone.

Not to mention 2 terrorists have now taken over, forcefully, 2 countries- Afghanistan and Ukraine under Biden in less than one year.

I am frustrated and literally terrorized by the reemergence of a Nuke war as a possibility. I want Biden to succeed in the much-needed level-headed diplomacy right now and understand, doubtful, Putin’s real potential for deploying that which we all lived in fear for in the 60s.

I say doubtful because a year ago the build-up to invade Ukraine began, it was obvious (or our intel community is wasting our money), and nothing was done to prevent it.

Instead, we slept, and WOKE trained the military at the same time.

This “lady’s” actions are just what are keeping people from working (Disney) and supporting, and they are now protesting the oppression of ideas and policies that are bullied against you when you disagree with them in even the simplest form…. showing support for your individual “Pursuit of Happiness” and policies of safety and defense for “Life, Liberty.”

Either by whom you wish to vote for and want as your leader while without suppressing another’s right to that free speech so that common ground policies can do all that is needed to fulfill the Federal government’s original 3 principles of protecting: “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

This lady appears to want far more unrestricted control (move him not me) than the basic food group principles set out in the Declaration of Independence. She acts as though she wants total submission to all things dictated by her and her crowd.

OR: Maybe she was very frustrated with her vote for Hillary, and I would assume this time around Brandon. I sure would be!



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