Liz Cheney Image credit - Cheney Web Site

Are Liz Cheney’s Political Days Numbered?

In the Disney Star Wars movies, Daisy Ridley plays Rey. A Force-gifted heroine descended from the bloodline of Emperor Palpatine. In the end, she chooses light over dark. Liz Cheney descends from another dark force named Dick, and she did not choose the light.

Biden where's my soup

Sleepy Joe’s Surrender to the Axis of Evil Puts World in Jeopardy

Recently, I have noticed a lack of discussion about the greatest threat that many experts see to Western Civilization: the transparent collusion among George Soros, the Communist Chinese Criminal Conspiracy (CCCC), Big Tech, the Deep State, and the numb and dumb Mainstream Media.

Its a WOKE WORLD after all - YouTube screenshot

Sing Along! “It’s a Woke World, After All…”

Both funny and sad at the same time. The fact that somebody put a lot of time into creating and animating this woke version of Disney’s “It’s a Small World After All” (and the actual ride has been “evolved” to be more SJW/PC safe for the perpetually offended snowflakes) says a lot about our society.

The Avalanche Has Already Started…

Preface: There are very few forms of communication that cannot be misunderstood – let alone folded, twisted, and mutilated by malicious intent.  Nonetheless, let me attempt to start off by saying the following:

Biden blame the unvaxed

Biden’s ‘Heil Hitler’

Disney has announced that the Happiest Place on Earth will also be the most “vaccinated place on earth.” It is mandating the mRNA injection for all staff and non-union hourly employees. They have 60 days to comply.

Stand for Something

Speak Truth Firmly to Evil

America has been the anchor of western civilization for the last century. Today we no longer articulate our values and principles. We listen constantly to leftist crap. This is the reason we have drifted so far off our moorings. It is time to stand for something.