Movin’ Sounds like Groomin,’ Rawhide Rhymes with Gay Pride – So, I Just Rewrote the Lyrics …

Many people in “the community” object to the trans thing, grooming kids, and all of that. It revolts them, but I do not hear a lot of pushback there.

People are using ‘Gay Pride!’ as a crutch for the sinister sexualization of young children.

You will end up grouped into that wing of a movement that is happy to wreck whatever safe space you’ve found to advance that agenda.

Put another way, If an Anti-grooming Bill Is Anti-LGBT – Does That Make Pedophilia a Normal Feature of the LGBTQ+ Community?

Well? Does it? And what happened to see something say something? Not applicable?

You know, we get grouped with radical cliques all the time. Our response is to give back as good as we get, if not better than we get. We make enemies on all sides, but for us, it’s about the founding principles, not labels people attach or assign to themselves or a movement. Actions speak louder than labels, I guess.

And if we can have some fun in the process, that makes it more worthwhile

So, I hope you find a voice (ironic, yes?), and the adults who oppose that sort of thing take back the movement, though I’m not sure they can or even want to try. It reminds me of the so-called moderate Muslims. They’re out there, but where? And what influence are they having on Islamofascist “grooming,” if you catch my drift?

Anyway, per the headline, my rarely idle mind coughed up the theme to Rawhide this morning (for no reason), and things started clicking. Movin’ sounds like groomin.’ Rawhide sounds like Gay Pride.

I wonder how many people it would piss off if…well, here you go.


Groomin,’ Groomin, Groomin’,
Groomin,’ Groomin, Groomin’,
Groomin,’ Groomin, Groomin’,
Groomin,’ Groomin, Groomin’,
Gay Pride!

Keep Groomin,’ Groomin, Groomin’,
Disney’s Gay Cartoonin’
Keep them teachers Groomin, GayPride!

We’ll get help from the unions,
School Boards are all tuned in,

Hide that curr-ic-ulum, Gay Pride!,

Cuz’ Johnny won’t need that penis
At school we call him Venus
So what if he commits suicide!

Bring ’em in, groom ‘me up, gender swap, move ’em out, Bring ’em in keep it up, Gay Pride.
Parents don’t, like it much, if they fuss, shut ’em up, shut ’em out, – after all   Gay Pride!



It’s not perfect, but neither am I or any of us. But we should be willing to draw some lines, and how about we protect some kids? Public schools were the number one place for sexual assaults on kids before this crap, but if we can’t stand up against openly grooming children (more on that here), then these kids are going to end up messed up and dead.

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