“Every morning I find out I have new joints I never knew I had because they crack.” And yes, the guy in the picture, I used to watch him every morning before school decades ago.
Captain Kangaroo was a childrens’ TV show that was on every weekday morning and had a whole host of show characters as sidekicks (e.g., Mr. Green Jeans and puppets). And not once did my Mom have to worry that the scripts would ever bring up topics unsuitable for children.
Back then, adults protected the innocence of children knowing that many adult topics are dangerous for young’uns (like teachers and school guidance counselors trying to “turn” your pre-and-early teens gay or trans); they just don’t have the reasoning skills or the knowledgebase to handle them correctly. Adults KNEW that kids were too immature for such things and watched over them. Even “rough” or “coarse” people back then showed deference to other peoples’ kids.
It was part of sour societal norms and structure. It was the “right thing to do.” There’d be plenty of time to learn about adult things when they became adults but not now.
But not today – almost every kids show has adults shoving adult themes into them especially sexuality. No more twin beds for married couples like on the Dick Van Dyke show or Life with Lucy when a bedroom was shown. Now, Disney has decided that nothing about human sexuality is off limits in their programming – including kids. I showed TMEW a post about it (and I’ll be putting that up later on) but I can tell you that I’ve rarely seen TMEW so LIVID after I showed her that post. She picked up the phone REAL quick to call Disney; I seldom hear her in anger like that over the phone.
Which brings us back to the topic du jour: why is it that all these other folks believe children not their own, really are theirs and can those children information on any topic they please?
As for me, I’m tired of the lame excuse of “well, times have changed”. They have, and in many ways, not for the better (and some, I maintain, deliberately so). We used to have a shared sense of morality, of dignity not wrapped up in one’s silly and narcissistic idea of “identity”. Standards, seemingly, no longer matter, propriety is a thing that is no longer a norm, and kids are just to be manipulated for ideological reasons.
(H/T: Powerline)