I’m JUST saying…

Massachusetts Independent Gubernatorial Candidate, Tim Cahill, has faced two significant campaign setbacks this week, losing a senior political strategist, and, now, his campaign manager. What caught my attention here was the paraphrased statement of John Weaver, said senior strategist, where he admits that the "independent candidate could not win the race for governor and that … Read more

wind farm sunset Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

Massachusetts and Maine Embrace More Potemkin Energy

Grigory Potemkin is famous for allegedly erecting fake towns that appeared accurate when viewed from a distance. As the new governor of Crimea, he wanted to please his empress (with whom he was intimately engaged). Fast forward about 140 years, and we find ourselves with something similar.


College Campuses: Hubs of Intolerance, Racism, and Anti-Semitism?

Victor Davis Hanson observes that “…colleges are becoming the incubators of progressive hatred of Jews…” This is concerning but does it ring true? Is higher education working to make anti-Semitism respectable again? Are we seeing a rise of racism? Certainly there is an appearance of a growing culture of intolerance on campuses across America. Requirements … Read more

Nashua-area Political Activity…

many Nashua-area political events throughout the month of October, providing many chances to get out and meet Republican candidates for office, as we approach the general election on November 2nd.