Cui bono? Who Benefits – It Looks Like DC In New Hampshire Part II

Cui bono? is a Latin phrase about identifying crime suspects. It depends on the fact that crimes are often committed to benefit their perpetrators, especially financially.

In New Hampshire, we only lend our Legislators the ability to govern us under the spirit of “common good,” provided they follow their oath of office and allegiance to the NH and US Constitutions. We reserve the right to take it away if they abuse that authority in NH Constitution Part 1 Art 10, provided we use all legal and available means of redress.

We did not authorize or forfeit our rights to any political party, private company, or federal authorities based on grant funding.

This is very difficult for me to admit. Looking back, I feel like a hypocrite and, at times, a coward. I did not start out this way, but over time, I fell into this trap. Legislators are surrounded and isolated in committees attended by few of the overworked general public yet overwhelmed by lobbyists.

HB154 was the final straw for me (see Part I), the Health Care Bill “bait and switched” to a Voting Machine Bill. I learned from a source close to the Sec. of State’s office (aka Sec. Scandal) with the help of lobbyists crafted the language months before to be quietly inserted by the UNIPARTY favorite Senator Gray ( aka. Mitch McConnell) and Rep. Ross ( aka. ITL) Berry. Shame on all of you!

We want to thank Carmen Sense for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Is there a reason why nearly all of #127 of the House Democrats and most of the Republican Committee Chairmen #27 supported the dishonorable HB154 ( Rep Sanborn, Packard, and House Clerk Smith did not vote?) while the Honorable #162 of the rank and file Republicans revolted and voted in favor of the reconsideration? Is it a coincidence that many of the same committee chairmen are now supporting a specific person running for governor?

Speculation about SB154: Did the Democratic leadership get the needed $ $ from Sec. Scandal the HAVA [Help America Vote Act (aka) “Hack America Act] with lobbyist influence to expand the market for voting machines into the remaining 38% of the towns that Hand Count? Who wins the voting machine/ software company that ultimately picks the winners, with no true oversight by the citizens? Cui bono, not “The People.”

In turn, did the Republican leadership get to undo the past election transparency laws (exposed in Windham and Senate District 24 recount) as well as flexibility to change the rules as needed? Forcing language into RSA 656:40 that is repugnant to the NH Constitution. Canceling the term voting machines on a “Trial Basis” as well as forcing machine count towns to suspend hand counting of ballots. A violation of the NH Constitution Part II Art; 32  – Cui bono not “The People”.

Welcome to the Live Free or Die State – where no one is held accountable!

Why have the House / Senate Election Law, Ballot Law Commission, and the Attorney General not acted or supported legislative penalties for those town officials who consistently abuse best voting practices, policies, and procedures?  – Cui bono – The lobbyists that represent their associations – not “The People.”

Get your popcorn, grab a front-row seat, and get ready for some coming attractions.

Integrity, transparency, and the NH Constitution are about to be undone again.

  1. HB 1149, HB 1569 Fx -No restrictions on who can vote in NH – (National Democrat talking point)
  2. HB 1610 -Standardized testing for Home school students –( Teachers union)
  3. SB 453,HB463, HB447, SB489. Gives centralized voting power to one individual away from towns.

To none other than our Sec. of State, self-proclaimed champion for Voter Confidence.

  1. HB 1002 – Right to Know that limits and taxes citizens for access to their public information (Municipal Assoc.) Cui bono? Not the People. Follow the $$$ and the Power.

Wow the universe works in strange ways, I just realized in the background of my writing space is the music of Bob Marley song. Get Up Stand Up…Don’t Give Up Your Rights …. “You can fool some people some of the time but not all the time”….

History has taught us that the further we (in the administrative state) move away from the people – tyranny and revolution are sure to follow, and to my friends and non-partisan legislators who still believe in your oath of service to We the People. Let’s recommit ourselves to restore dignity, TRANSPARENCY and rebuild the Voter’s Confidence in us. As well as restore the principles of secure elections, where every vote is counted per our NH Constitution, not repugnant laws crafted by those who Cui Bono!

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