The NIPCC Report on Climate – A Non Political Finding By People Not Looking For Government Handouts

Was AL gore near South DakotaThis would be the fourth report, but given that the IPCC has jumped another shark in its pursuit of “research” that explains its conclusions, we need to post this.

The report, which cites thousands of peer-reviewed articles the United Nations-sponsored panel on climate change ignored, also found that “no empirical evidence exists to substantiate the claim that 2°C of warming presents a threat to planetary ecologies or environments” and no convincing case can be made that “a warming will be more economically costly than an equivalent cooling.” The U.N.’s panel is scheduled to release its next report next month.

The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, or NIPCC, which produced the report, is described as “an international panel of scientists and scholars who came together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change.” Unlike the “United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is government-sponsored, politically motivated, and predisposed to believing that climate change is a problem in need of a U.N. solution,” NIPCC “has no formal attachment to or sponsorship from any government or governmental agency” and is “wholly independent of political pressures and influences and therefore is not predisposed to produce politically motivated conclusions or policy recommendations.”
AGW Flat-Earthers will protest the derailing of their gravy train.

Regardless of which side of the debate you are on there are questions that must be answered which most proponents of givernment funded (that is  intentional misspelling) catastrophic weather “science” refuse to address because it would end political fiscal support for their endeavors.  That alone should wake people from their deep green sleep and yet it does not.

What questions?

1) Is it warming (No!)
2) If yes to number 1, is it caused by CO2  (All the vidence ocntradicts this.)
3) If it were warming would that be bad?  Would be as bad as AGW proponets claim. (Past warming has resulted in a growth of productivity and culture in past societies)
4) Are advocates (those politically funded by promoters of AGW) suppressing data that contradicts their theory?  (Yes, they are, including their own contradictory outcomes.)
5) Are advocates for AGW using flawed data to make their case? (Yes!)
6) Are advocates over exaggerating the effects or outcomes of any warming to scare people unnecessarily? (Yes!)
7) Is there any evidence the AGW advocates ‘solutions’ would work?  (No evidence.)
8) Are AGW advocates getting rich as a result of their advocacy? (yes!)

It is also worth noting that more CO2 is good for plant formation and growth.  We’ve documented that here so another great question would be, if there was more CO2, would that be bad?  We have a lot more CO2 and it is not warming but this airborne fertilizer has helped increase food production in places that need it most–in direct oppostion to the doom-sayers claims.

There are certainly additional questions to ask.  These are just a few I have collected as I have surfed the internet.   The most important of these are is it warming, if it is–is that really a bad thing, and where is the proof that it would be bad?

It is not warming.  By all acounts if it were, that would be a good thing.  The sky-is-falling claims are nothing short of a sales pitch to justify government expansion and spending…by people who favor and benefit from government expansion and spending.  See also, question eight.

At this point advocates and IPCC clingers are expending more effort making excuses for why their doom-machine computer-models are so outlandishly wrong, on so many points.  It’s complicated, they say.  Fraud is not complicated, I respond.

They’ve degenerated to the laughable point at which they infer, even state, that massive cold, snowfall, longer winters and shorter summers, are signs of Global Warming.  And for a few billion  more annually we will “prove” that an ice age, were we to have one, is undeniable proof that Global Warming will soon follow.”  Experts, indeed.

Were they in the crime deterrence business they would insist that the robber has enriched you by relieving you of your property buy threat of force. (Tangentially, Democrats in practice agitate for a victim class bereft of the right to self-defense which actually increases crime, while simultaneously insisitng on the state’s right of ownership-first dibs–on your wealth, which they then take for themselves, their friends, and spend avishly on….green energy boondoggles run by donors and advocates.)

The crime reference is an apt comparison.  Democrats ignore all contrary evidence relating to crime to justify policy, just as they do with climate politics.  They ignore Chicagostan and insist every other town embrace the anti-self defense culture that creates victims.  They also promote any event or remark from so-called experts (paid off insiders) as a sign from Gaia that might keep the populace buying (and paying) into their BamaShite.  They are the man behind the curtain putting on a show to keep the locals in awe.

But Toto has pulled the curtain aside, a bit further every year, to reveal the Big Green fraud–for those more interested in the science.  The evidence contradicts the lefts desired outcome.  This means that they are wasting hundred of billions of your dollars on a lie for political purposes that could be used to aleviate som other ill (real or imagined).  That might be th ebest question of all.  Why don’t you stop wasting money on promting a political agenda with no basis in fact, and use all that money to help (inset name of victim class here)?

Those of you interested in dogmatic, knee-jerk ideological parroting need not concern yourselves with these questions or with research that does not promote your desired outcome.  You do not want to know the truth.  Put your head back in the MSNBC sand.

The rest of you need to ask more questions, or to just ask them more often.


A few links (I did not feel like embedding) for your reading enjoyment.  Most of these have loads of their own links as well.

UN Climate Report Goes Bust: Even Media Fails to Promote: Top Scientists (including IPCC reviewers) Condemn IPCC Report as ‘Premeditated Murder of Science’ – ‘absurd’ – ‘political’ – ‘wrong’ – ‘dogmatic’ – ‘propaganda’ – ‘grossest misrepresentation of data’

“Most Severe Start Of Winter In 200 Years!” + European Municipalities Now Ignoring Foolish Predictions Of Warm Winters


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