The Left Has A Newer Scarier Way to Describe the “Weather”


I’ve been listening to the dystopian tears and screams of the Green Left for over 50 years. Not ONE of their predictions has ever come true. In fact, most haven’t even come close. Yet, they continue braying about their ideology.

And, as Leftists are wont to do…

SideNote: Yes, they are Leftists because ALL of their magnificent plans by which they wish to save us by requiring that we give up our freedoms and sovereignty for “the common good” (ALWAYS be skeptical of people using that phrase as they wish to take something from you that you’d otherwise punch them out over). Those plans always require a centralized command and control system to be successful (so they think), and that always ends up in totalitarianism – they just won’t admit it.

And they love to use euphemisms. They KNOW that if they were absolutely truthful and honest, they’d be run out of town on rails like the hobos of yore. Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change, Climate  Emergency, Climate Crisis, Climate Destruction, Anthropogenic climate change, climate shift, climate chaos, climate upheaval (have you all seen these all??).

Just like when Democrats called themselves Progressives at the turn of the 1900s as they knew they’d be clapped into the stocks if they called themselves what they truly were: Socialists. Once they “burnt out” the Progressives label, they changed to Liberals (REALLY distorting what they were as their policies have always been illiberal). Back and forth they’ve gone for decades, always hoping that they’d fool some of the people all of the time.

And as you see from the above, the Greenies that believe that even human breathing  is just awful, have certainly employed the same linguistic tactic. But this euphemism is new to me so I just had to leave a comment at Carbon Upfront! where Lloyd did a book review where the book cover had my eyebrows raised:

Climate Breakdown


Timber Climate Breakdown Carbon Upfront

My comment (mockingly typed, as if you couldn’t guess from my previous writings):

GraniteGrok  Jul 10

“…Save the World from Climate Breakdown”.


Will ill-begotten euphemisms ever cease? I guess the reasoning must be “keep changing the words – we just might create a smidgeon of a passing flicker of interest in someone.

Sigh. I really believe they think us rather stupid and in need of the infamous “short buses” to get around to even think that just changing what they call it will have us simply swallow their phrases hook, line, and sinker (Oh, SAVE THE WHALES! SAVE THE FISH!). But they will NEVER stop no matter how often we speak ill of them.

After all, look at all of the opprobrium that we heap upon the People Eating Tasty Animals (PETA), right?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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