Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Also, please do check out my post highlighting a Bill Whittle video that I re-watch regularly:

Bill Whittle: A Defense of Civilizations – Granite Grok

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






In the Arab world, white women are considered especially valuable sex slave captives.  I read, IIRC by Raymond Ibrahim, how the promises of taking blonde Byzantine women as captives was used as a selling point for the ongoing recruitment of warriors to attack Constantinople.






I remember a great meme from years ago.  “I don’t have a soul.  I am a soul.  I have a body”.






Excellent point.  And not just at one campus, but all the campuses.  All uniform.






What about now, hit man?






I try to not crack “bad” jokes in general, at least not racial, etc.  Unless it’s a Jewish joke.  Then, I think, I am allowed.






As I understand it from the trial, yesterday, she was describing in lurid detail the *ahem* relations she had with Trump.  But this is the second letter in which she definitively said she didn’t do anything with him in that way.  I sure hope that Trump’s lawyer is on this like white on rice.






People opposed said either “Hail Cloward-Piven” or “No comprende” (to be fair, many other languages t00).











What we’re fighting against.




Objective truth can be damaging to the ego.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

Note – a lot here between me and him.  This seem to be spiraling IMHO.


Hakeem Jeffries just confirmed that he controls Speaker Johnson and the House. “The Republicans in the House are a majority in name only.” This is why nothing has changed for the better in America over the last three years. The Uniparty is to blame. – Whatfinger News Summary

Hakeem Jeffries just confirmed that he controls Speaker Johnson and the House.

“The Republicans in the House are a majority in name only.”

(2) Megan Basham on X: “Google has reportedly taken down this very effective Trump ad for an unspecified “policy violation.” What policy could this possibly violate @Google??” / X (

Yes, very effective.  Which is why, of course, it’s been taken down.  Can’t have the proles waking up to what the Left has done to this country.  As is this one (from here):




WARREN BUFFETT COMPARES AI TO NUKES AFTER SEEING DEEPFAKE DOPPELGANGER Buffet: “I mean, scamming has always been part of the American scene, but this would make me… – Whatfinger News Summary

Been saying for a while now, “public” AI is getting to the point where it takes a very sharp eye to see that it’s fake.  Imagine, for a moment, just how good the AI is that we don’t know about.

ICYMI: World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant Wrecked by Storm Just Before Grand Launch (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

OOH, I don’t want to see this.  OTOH, I have to admit having a Schadenboner at this.

“crooked Joe” would lead us into World War III? * * by Noah

I remember one co-worker, leading up to November 2016, who was terrified Trump would start WW3.  Wonder what she’s thinking now?

As an aside, this prompted some research.  Dem predictions of WW3 were rife with virtually every Republican candidate for multiple election cycles.

Special Counsel Admits KEY Evidence Tampering in Trump Case; Trump Calls For His Arrest * * by M Winger

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s crew is dropping a bombshell!

They’re admitting that crucial evidence in Trump’s classified documents case got tampered with after the FBI grabbed it.

And get this—prosecutors kept quiet about it for a while, which, according to legal experts, is a big no-no.

This revelation could seriously trip up the prosecutors.


‘Federal Agency Had ‘Pallets’ Of Documents Sent To Mar-A-Lago One Year Before DOJ Raid’; so did these bastards set Trump up? Did the GSA in collusion with Obama & Biden INC. do this? Did 45 know? 45 (

I would, absolutely, bet on a set-up.

Gov. Healey Pours Over $400 Million From Savings To Shelter Illegal Immigrants | WLT Report

Illegals over citizens and legal residents.  Priorities.  Related:

Biden plans to import the Death to America voting block – Flopping Aces

More on migration:

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’ | ZeroHedge

Why, it’s almost as though importing millions of people who would, by definition, be hostile to us is intentional.

US slams ‘irresponsible rhetoric’ as Russia orders nuclear drills – Insider Paper

I will keep saying this until I’m either blue in the face, or flash-fried, that this is a grim echo of the lead-up to WWI.  Every country taking every logical step in the face of what potential adversaries were doing… until the shooting became inevitable.

Russia issues military ultimatum to UK — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Russia can / will only issue so many OR ELSE statements… and then they’ll be forced to follow through.  Or lose credibility.  And this is how it begins…

Bayou Renaissance Man: When helping others may be hazardous to your freedom

Don’t forget the old adage: “No good deed goes unpunished”.

Kid, you don’t even KNOW from violence (

These people have stability privilege.  They have NO IDEA what the world is capable of when civilization falls:



These Leftards TRULY BELIEVE that, if America falls, all will be rainbows and light and one big global happy family.  Lennon’s IMAGINE writ large.

Green Blob Tells Government to Spend £30 Billion on Machine to Remove CO2 From the Air – Watts Up With That?

Take away plant food.  What could go wrong?  Related to the climate change cult:

Newly Discovered 90,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Reveal How Much Higher Sea Levels Used To Be (

Nature Publication: Researchers Find Arctic Region 10,000 Years Ago Warmer Than Today (

Water Vapor Absorbs 84 Times More Radiation Than CO2 … Clouds Drove 89% Of 1982-2018 Warming (

Water vapor?  Warmer?  Why, what might have caused that?

What NASA and the European Space Agency are admitting but the media are failing to report about our current heat wave (bumped) – American Thinker



Today’s NYT scratches the surface – Nurse Claire Says

MHO: there is a growing admission in the “beautiful people” circles that the Jab did widespread damage.  I think, I hope, we are on the edge of an awakening.  I just pray Carl Sagan’s warning about bamboozlement gets a drubbing this time.




John Campbell on the new NYT article back peddling the vaxx – Vlad Tepes (

In other words, this NYT article starts to look like a fire-escape down from the gallows where these characters are beginning to look like they belong.

What Happened to their Babies? – by Karen Kingston (

Pfizer’s FDA submitted data documented that the some of the babies and toddlers experienced fevers of greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seizures (with eye rolling), convulsions, and seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and multiple seizures a day -sometimes a dozen or more, brain damage confirmed by an EEG, hypotonia (limp ‘lifeless-like’ baby), and lissencephaly (“genetically-induced” brain malformation characterized by the absence of convolutions/folds) in babies and toddlers injected with mRNA nanoparticles.

There are no words in any human language sufficient to capture how much I hate pharma for this.  And their pets in government.  But even more so for the people – nurses, doctors, and even parents – who saw this happening and stayed silent.  From here:

⛔️Most of us know someone who was injured or killed by the vaccine.

Don’t let them gaslight you into believing that these stories are fake or made up.

Millions injured. Hundreds of thousands dead- and that’s only with a 1% reporting rate on the VAERS database.

This is the reality of the destruction they have caused.



Items I Stockpile Because I Don’t Trust the Government – Ask a Prepper

Short of having a yuuuuuge disposable income and years of time, plus a completely-supportive family supporting a prepper life, you’ll never be truly prepared.  Even then it’s iffy.  But even SOMETHING puts you ahead of the average sheeple.

Democrats Biggest Fear Just Happened by Kevin Jackson (

The Potato is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.  But he’s counting on the refinement and amplification of the vote fraud machine that got him there.  Related:

Sorry, neo-Nazis: The antisemitic progressive Left is the real threat to US Jews – Michael Freund (

The fact is that the loudest and most virulent voices of antisemitism are coming straight from the self-proclaimed progressives, who hurl the modern-day equivalent of medieval blood libels against Israel and harass and intimidate Jewish college students.

And that recognition is getting to American Jews.  Finally:

The Jewish vote is up for grabs, and it may decide the election – Caroline Glick (

Let’s be real.  Most Jews are urban and live in blue hives where blue victories are, essentially a given.

Warren Buffet Warns That You’re Going to Get a Tax Hike – PJ Media

But… but… but The Potato promised it’d only be THE RICH!  What amazes me is how, time and time and time again the ads say “The RICH will be asked to pay… a little but more” – but it always ends up hitting the middle class.  And yet, people never learn from it.

Paging this Bill Whittle video:


Government mandates that your car ‘monitor’ your behavior – American Thinker

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

― William Pitt the Younger

Drivers face having ‘mandatory’ speed limiter installed in car from July – Birmingham Live (

Raconteur Report: Oopsie: Confirmation Bias Is Hard On Your Wedding Tackle

Never be diverted from the truth by what you want to believe.  Confirmation bias is a real thing.

Biden’s description of Japan as xenophobic is ‘unfortunate’: Tokyo – Insider Paper

But… but… but the grown ups are in charge now, right?

Another reason NOT to have all our healthcare data on the internet:

Astra-Zenica has finally admitted (publicly) that their Covid-19 vaccines can cause strokes:

And the CDC covered up deaths in the Covid trials, and gave us the “safe and effective” hogwash anyway:

We need Nuremburg II, and ASAP!



This is for my Jewish friends:  You need to get serious about learning self-defense, because the world is a dangerous place, and when something happens, generally YOU are the ONLY person who can offer a defense against violence directed at you (or your family):

How to End the Craziness on College Campuses – PJ Media

Comments on the above:

Instapundit » Blog Archive » RABBI MICHAEL BARCLAY: How to End the Craziness on College Campuses. “Let’s be clear: I am not rec

And things are getting worse:

If you have a “Ring” doorbell, you may be getting some cash back (at the cost of your privacy, of course):

Borepatch: Ring doorbell company fined millions of dollars for privacy violations

Speaking of privacy, the scammers are now using artificial intelligence (AI) to create “deep fakes” of voice, video, even signatures, and then using them to scam you (or others in your family) to send them money.  This is why I do NOT allow my picture to be taken randomly (only by my wife, with a non-web connected camera), and I don’t do any type of social media:

How scammers use AI | Allstate Identity Protection

The Great Replacement is the GOAL, not just a conspiracy theory anymore.  Here is a 12 minute video given at the CPAC gathering in Hungry by Eva Vlaardingerbroek of the Netherlands talking about it.  NOTE:  Many EU countries are trying to ban this video, because she NAILS it:

Worth the Time to Watch | NC Renegades

Jeffery Tucker opines on how the CIA is the power that is REALLY running the country:

Does the CIA Run America? | The Epoch Times

Canada introduces blood-curdling new ‘thought police’ law that would make even Stalin blush… – Revolver News

Relentlessly advancing.  And you think you’ll VOTE your way out of this?





Not to say that I’m eager for SHTF, “Spicy Time”, or whatever you want to call it.  Nor am I eager, with a few notable exceptions, for the Jab-pocalypse to start taking large numbers of people – I pray for those in my life that I value who are Jabbed daily.  Still, cue this famous line from the movie Caddyshack:

Caddyshack – Well? We’re Waiting (






I say this is deliberate.  Individual minds can only take so much before they start to shut down.





More than one Globalist has admitted that GREEN is really a way to push the world to become RED.

Watermelons: The Green Movement’s True Colors

From the blurb:

At its very roots, argues Delingpole, climate change is an ideological battle, not a scientific one. Green on the outside, red on the inside, the liberty-loathing, humanity-hating “watermelons” of the modern environmental movement do not want to save the world. They want to rule it.














This is an opportunity to create another NITZAKHON QUOTABLE:


When you have to build a wall – whether physical or otherwise – to keep people in your “people’s paradise”, then it’s not paradise, but a prison.

— Nitzakhon, 2024


And brings up one of my better quotes from times past:








Pick of the Post:



Peg out the RIDICULE-O-METER!  Brilliant!




Palate cleansers:



Been nailed by this more than once.




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.








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