NH State Senaor David Watters Union Leader

Sen. David ‘Whale Killer’ Watters

Democrat State Senator David ‘rising’ Watters deserves a new nickname or at least a second one. He earned the first as your atypical environmental legislative radical ranting about accelerated sea level rise (and associated tin-foil-hattery).

Time is Running Out for the Gulf of Maine!Urgent!

Who will stand up for the people and the oceans? Who will show up for us? There is not enough data on what will become of our fragile Gulf of Maine if this is allowed. From the lobsters to the endangered Right Whales, it must be addressed, and it is not. All reps and senate … Read more

NH State Senaor David Watters Union Leader

Don’t Saudi Arabia The Gulf of Maine! [Update – Meetings, Press Conference in Response]

The NH commission on offshore wind meeting, before the federal BOEM takes over our Gulf of Maine, was inexplicably canceled when its chair, Sen. Watters, got wind, pun intended, that fishermen and concerned citizens would show up to voice their concerns.

offshore wind farms

Help Stop this Before it’s Too Late

On April 23, in Rye, New Hampshire, there was a presentation by the New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association (NEFSA) on the impacts Offshore Wind (OSW) will have in the Gulf of Maine.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, or if you share an individual meme or link, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Why Can’t Kids Read?

Earlier this month, Seven Days ran a remarkable story titled Too Many Vermont Kids Struggle to Read. What Went Wrong — and Can Educators Reverse a Yearslong Slide in Literacy? It’s long. 5000 words, but very much worth the time.

Thar She Blows!

Before we figured out how to replace whale oil with cheaper, more efficient petroleum, we killed a lot of whales throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in order to light our homes and lubricate our industries, driving most species to the brink of extinction.

Virtue Signaling Mass Gov. Bans State Agencies from Purchasing Single-Use Plastic Bottles

Whale deaths have spiked, and their beached bodies continue to appear on American shores. The people who claim to care about the whales are some of the same folks who love offshore wind, and unfortunately for the whales, Wind Machines can launder a lot more money than marine mammals.

Straw hut rooftop solar Image by teresa cotrim from Pixabay

Is Residential Solar Bad for the Environment?

One of my favorite Dalrymple quotes is (paraphrased) that misery will always rise to meet the government subsidies created to alleviate it. And so it is with residential solar. The number of installs near my home has exploded, as has another interesting habit.

flat-tire-Image by Christos Giakkas from Pixabay

Do Enviro-Activists Deflating Tires on SUVs Realize How Bad that is for the Environment?

Does anyone in the army of self-proclaimed activists called the Tyre Extinguishers (deflating tires on SUVs across Europe in the name of their false green god) know how much additional carbon will be emitted due to their actions?


Seafood Watch Red-Listed Maine Lobster – Maine Lobster is Suing them for Defamation

Seafood Watch Red-Listed Maine Lobster Maine Lobster is Suing them for Defamation Enviro-whackos in California, with way too much green street cred, decided to blame right whale deaths on Maine’s lobster industry (it’s actually offshore wind). Everyone was upset except those Biden’s who served it at their first State Dinner.

A Fake Energy Crisis?

It’s been claimed that: “No power source is more dangerous to life and the environment than burning fossil fuels”.  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.  Such evidence hasn’t been provided. Would returning to burning wood, peat, dung, whale oil, and animal fat be safer?  No. Honest evaluations consider minuses AND benefits.  If we only considered minuses, … Read more

Grok Mail

The Morning Mail – Feb 26, 2023

On this day in 1616, “the Roman Inquisition delivered an injunction to Galileo demanding he abandon his belief in heliocentrism, which states the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun.”

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

A Complete List of Things Caused by Global Warming

This is useful and entertaining. It includes links to things that the authors have claimed are a result of Global Warming or will be caused by it. There is also a dead links list below, that includes things caused by Global warming but for which the link is no longer active–but someone made the claim in print … Read more

Proposed Plastic Bag Ban Will Be Bad For Portsmouth

Portsmouth has a Blue Ribbon Committee on Sustainable Practices, and like any good committee, it must forever practice things that sustain the committee. To that end, the busybodies have identified the next great environmental evil.  Single-use plastic bags are bad for Portsmouth (and the world!).

“Whale Wars” Republicans? Yes – but which one?

Or “why does the Republican Party keep acting like Captain Luis Manuel Pinho?” Translation: “Are you willing to die to save the life of a whale?” So which Captain do we see in the Establishment Republican wing of the Party? I have to admit that I’ve been watching this “reality show” for quite some time.  … Read more