To all those who are sending in memes, thank you! Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left. Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!
Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow. Also don’t forget both complementary parts of my Survival Sunday feature: PREP edition and SITREP edition. A note about the coming PREP Edition… since I missed last week due to illness, this coming week is chock-packed with lots of stuff.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
A hat trick of prior essays:
A Tale From my Father: Miracle | Forward in Christ Magazine
“Something” stopped my father from getting on a plane, years before I was born. Why?
Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok
The most horrific deeds are done when people believe that they are doing good… and even worse ones when they – doing good – are able to be bad to “wrongdoers”…
Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.
The Right Way: Prophecy from Star Trek’s “Omega Glory” (
Apologies for the formatting; I’d write the pieces and them the blog’s owner would put them up.
Can this Cuttlefish Pass an Intelligence Test Designed for Children?
In my youth I wanted to be an oceanographer, studying whales. There are times I’d like to return to those heady days of innocent enthusiasm, but I’d like to study cephalopods like cuttlefish, etc.
Pretty much.
Take “Fifteen Minute Cities”. When I point out that, functionally, it’s a ghetto on lockdown… people will actually tell me that it’s needed to stop climate change or we’ll all die.
To which, mentally, I reply “Oh, go get another Covid booster… make sure you eat a lot of steak and eggs for two weeks beforehand too”.
The Neverending Election
Biden’s Betrayal | WRKO-AM 680 | The Kuhner Report (
But… but… but doesn’t the Senate have to vote on this? Not necessarily. Some years ago there was some thing – don’t recall what – that Obama passed that some international lawyer on LinkedIn said was perfectly legal without Senate approval, and that, going from memory, would require a 2/3 majority Senate vote to undo. All snaked through the legal code to be 100% legal. Not RIGHT, of course, but from a by-the-letter-of-the-law LEGAL.
And this is the thing I keep harping on, regretfully. These people are willing to break every moral code to impose their “enlightened, philosopher-king” rule. Because they’re better people in every dimension, and they truly view us as their dirty peasant rabble.
There’s no voting our way out of this. Make plans accordingly.
You must remember the goal: a one-world Socialist Utopian state.
Thus, as formerly peaceful, safe, and prosperous countries descend into chaos, violence, and poverty, along will eventually come the “benevolent hand” of Socialism offering some form of stability and at least predictability… all you need do is surrender your antiquated notion of individuality and liberty.
Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.
You must understand – when it comes to Israel and Arabs, anti-Semitism is hard-coded into the Koran. Recapture – not just of Israel but ANY LAND ISLAM EVER CONTROLLED – is hard-coded into the Koran.
Islamic Jew-Hatred – Geller Report
Antisemitism in the Qur’an – Winds of Jihad (
Jew-Hate in the Muslim World | Frontpage Mag
You people in Spain, you people in Eastern Europe… beware. Islam’s diktats DEMAND Muslims retake where you live. Islam DEMANDS that the whole world be taken for Allah.
These people are patient and take a centuries-long view, and migration is a critical part of their strategy.
Bill Warner, PhD: Hijra, Islamic Migration
I have to weep at these parents who will never hold grandchildren because of what they’ve done to their kids “to protect them”. Yes, they did it will good intentions, and complete trust… and that’s what makes it so much worse. They truly thought they were doing good.
As I wrote, here and here, there are almost certainly long-term fertility consequences and we’re just seeing the first leading edge of that hitting. Like water pulling back from shore before a tsunami, the impact on global human reproduction is about to catastrophically hit our world.
EXCLUSIVE: Whatever happened to Pfizer’s covid vaccine trial in pregnant women? (
Pick of the Post:
Three words and a logo, that utterly obliterate cognitive defenses in 90% of even the sheeple. Brilliant.
Tucker: People will die because of this
Palate Cleansers:
If I had not cared that my first wife found out about what my second wife looked like, I’d have done this.