Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! – PART 4: What Does It Mean For NH

New Hampshire has about 18 miles of coast along the Atlantic Ocean. The port of Portsmouth, still a working port, much to the chagrin of the new residents there, leads into the Great Bay and Little Bay watershed. Over the years, it has seen its share of controversy.

windmill off shore wind

Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! – PART 3- THE DATA

What could possibly be causing an uptick in marine deaths related to Offshore Wind farms? Many factors may disrupt marine life, including noise, vibration, sonar, and more, many of which we are not aware of. Let’s scratch the surface of some of the data.

Money cash

Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! Part 2: FOLLOW THE MONEY

The Biden administration aims to establish 30 gigawatts of offshore wind power on U.S. coasts by 2030 and has put half a billion into just Offshore Wind—with a focus primarily on the East Coast.

Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind!

Since February 29, 2024, 10 whales have washed up on eastern seaboard shores. Two humpbacks in Virginia on 3/4, a Fin Whale in Rhode Island 2/29, a North Atlantic Right Whale, Juno’s calf 3/3. The calf was found dead on a beach in Georgia, a Minke Whale in North Carolina on 3/5, a Sperm Whale … Read more

windmill off shore wind

Of Course Offshore Wind is a Bigger Threat to Right Whales than Lobster Fisherman

The lobster situation in Maine makes for an entertaining sideshow. Increasingly-Democrat Maine relies heavily on its lobster cartel, but the Climate Cult put them in the stocks for “endangering” some bigoted Nazi whales.

No Pics of Turtles With Wind Turbine Blade Foam in their Noses?

The aggravation over the failure of the turbine blade at Vinyard Wind continues to escalate. The foam and fiberglass that have plagued Nantucket all summer finally made it to Martha’s Vineyard. It seems appropriate, given the offshore farm’s name. But these alien invaders were not so quickly dispatched as the “migrants” were last year. In … Read more

Nantucket’s Ongoing Offshore Wind Folly, Microplastics, Foam, Fiberglass, and Bisphenol A

New Hampshire residents will understand when Nantucket resident Pat McEvoy says the Feds jammed green energy (offshore wind) down their throats and that “We were not represented in this process.” Development in the Gulf of Maine has been fast-tracked thanks to State Senator David “This will look good on my resume” Watters. Dead whales didn’t stop it. … Read more

Busted Wind Turbine Debris Closes Beaches During “Heat Wave”

Regular readers caught the post yesterday about the heat in New England and how – it’s been hotter, but it is still hot. If you have a pool, you’re in it, and if you happen to be living or vacationing on a beach, that water is a much sought-after relief, unless you’re in Nantucket. Debris … Read more

windmill off shore wind

Want to Stop Offshore Wind Maine and New Hampshire?

Despite the collapse of the market, rising costs and prices, and the threat to wildlife, the powers that be are moving forward with offshore wind development off the coast of New Hampshire and Maine.

Offshore Wind and New Hampshire – An Opportunity to Listen and be Heard

If you missed the recent ‘Grok coverage on offshore wind, you can catch up here. Wind Power is not any of the things they say and mostly things they will not, and a plan to put turbines off the coast of Maine and New Hampshire is moving ahead despite the long list of negatives.


Night Cap: “Gay” Whales and The Queer Movement

Is it a bad day for your narrative when you have to stoop this low to justify a kink? We’re talking about whales. Male whales. One is reported to have attempted some form of whale-like penetration of the other, possibly without its consent. #MeToo? #BeleiveallWhales. Why bring it up?

Wind mills hoockes to fossil fuel supply

These Wind Turbines Need Diesel Generators and Often Draw Power Instead of Generating It…

Aside from the hundreds of billions in misguided government support, wind power doesn’t have much going for it. It is not clean or green. It kills bats, birds, and now whales. And in Scotland, they’ve had to admit that without diesel generators to warm and back up the turbines, they might work at all.


Are Today’s Greenies Too Young to Save the Whales

I am old enough to remember when the environmental tree-huggers of the 70s were all about saving the whales. Save the Whales was founded in 1977 but celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2020. Math was not the strong suit of the early climate watchers and saviors of Mother Earth. These folks are at a fork … Read more

The Gulf Of Maine is For Sale

The Biden Administration is in a mad rush to get offshore wind leases sold just in case Klimate Kamala blows it, loses in November, and the violent uprisings that would follow that don’t result in a change they can believe in. BOEM, the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management, has announced the sale of leases … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok! Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  *** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes … Read more

District Spends Millions on E-Buses, to Spend Millions More on Diesel Buses That Work

Montgomery County is a very woke DC suburb in Maryland that has long suffered the consequences of its proximity to that poised well. The resulting brain damage causes hallucinations, a sense of false intellectual supremacy, and a driving desire to be in positions of authority where access to nearly endless sums of other people’s money … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok! Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition courtesy of Steve.  *** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

Give me another week or so and I should be able to pick up Wednesday again.

solar panel solar farm Photo by American Public Power Association on Unsplash

Night Cap: Another Bad Week for Big Green as Inconvenient Truths Come Callin’

Not everyone has been able to take advantage of the gobs of taxpayer money pouring between the seams to encourage the adoption of so-called green technologies. And it’s not because they aren’t truly green. Joe’s Build Back Better has beaten back business.


Irony Alert: The Left Puts Energy Politics Ahead of the Environment

Dave “Whale Killer” Watters ended up having his meeting yesterday despite the lack of a quorum and took time to listen to the peasants’ objections to offshore wind projects off the coast of New Hampshire. One participant noted how disrespectful Whale Killer Watters was to the rabble’s concerns.