Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow - Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, or if you share an individual meme or link, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



Whether a laugh, a warm feeling, or a cold slap of truth.





And no repercussions.  Of course.  When people see – blatant, in your face – differences in how laws are enforced, they lose faith in the entire system.  Which is the point, of course.





Are you f*cking kidding me?????



Yes, I question the whole DEI involvement, but something seems awry.  My “paranoid antennae” are twitching on the sudden step-change uptick in this – could this be deliberate to get people to not want to fly?  If that’s true, expect other types of airplanes to start developing problems too.





I suspect she’s holding on hoping Trump gets taken down by the lawfare.  Then she can present herself as the “logical” replacement.



I remember a while ago searching for images of “X couples”.  X = White, Black, Hispanic, Asian.  You guessed it.  The latter three were as you’d expect.  The White one was virtually all mixed race.



By this standard, most of the GOP sucks canal water.




Speaking of:

Explain Why Obama, Admitting He’s Running Biden, Is Released – Liberty’s Torch (





Combines with this:



You must remember – most people don’t want their calm, stable view of the world disturbed.  They don’t want to believe that there are truly dark and evil people in this world.  They want to live – per the TV show – in the sunlit side of reality, and flat-out deny there is a dark side.  And while I don’t normally intersperse videos anymore, this is spot-on truth-in-fiction:






What Is Caesar’s And What Is Mine? – Liberty’s Torch (





Estimated net worth $680 million.







What’s that definition of insanity again?



Beware confirmation bias.  A line from the scifi book DUNE is appropriate: “Hope clouds observation”.



Speaking of “diversity”:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Importing crime






In my case, same household.









The “whales” seem to be fleeing the market.  IIRC Bezos is up to $6 billion in sales.  Why?  And what to make of this:



I do not recall, EVER, seeing any similar warning about prior eclipses.  Do you?



What’s coming?  Don’t forget, there really is a market for “ultra-rich people” getting bunkers.

Platinum Series – Atlas Survival Shelters

Inside Luxury Bunkers Where Ultra-Rich Prepare for Doomsday (

Nor should you forget our “good and dear friend” giving us this warning:




Bayou Renaissance Man: A reminder: why we should be storing food

Fascinating – I got this warning:

This post may contain sensitive content. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Community Guildelines.

I’ve NEVER had to sign in to open his posts before.











Others have noted it too.  Odd how they all – just about – seem to be swimming in money by the time they leave office.



See my comment above about not wanting to see.








I remember one “researcher” making some kind of “bug milk” ice cream and handing out samples.  Then, telling them what it was after they’d eaten it, and being insufferably pleased about it.





Generations and generations and generations.  This is their FAITH, remember?  And in parallel with that, their FAITH that they are made from finer clay and thus deserve to be at the top.



Peter Grant challenged me on Gab about this.  I do remember hearing a voice recording of this, so I do believe it.















I’ll give him credit for a lot of judges.  But ultimately, he’s a swamp creature.





Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Embalmers are Continuing to Find Mysterious Clots in the Vaccinated (

Kind of technical, but… the overarching thing to me is how – HOW – in the face of these “calamari clots” that nobody’s ever seen before, there’s no mass interest in WHY they’re suddenly being seen.  But then, there’s the axiom:

You cannot get someone to see something, when their paycheck depends on them not seeing it.

To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion –

Long and thoughtful.

And I will argue that one prime reason they argue that there are no souls, and no divine sparks, is because they fear death – and thus believe they can just transfer their minds to a computer and live forever.

Yes, they really are that stupid and evil. – Liberty’s Torch (

On guns, or anything else, they speak from ignorance and propaganda without thinking.

Vahid Beheshti: My Plan to Bring Down the Iranian Regime :: Middle East Forum (

Cue Saruman voice: “If the West stands firm to support the Persian people, the Mullahs will fall”.  This can only be a good thing.

Will Dems Steal the 2024 Presidential Election Even If Trump Wins? Count on it and Prepare. – The Lid (

I’d bet every dime I have that they’ll try.

Colorado Democrats Kill Bill Penalizing Raping Children – The Lid (

I don’t want to live here any more.

Meta’s AI Achieves the Left’s Dream, Makes Donald Trump Disappear (

Holy Orwell, Batman!

Death of a Nation, Birth of Another – by T.L. Davis (

Start planning.

Yes, Hitler Was a Socialist. – Urban Scoop



And bringing up an older piece I did:

Hitler’s Missing Speech – Liberty’s Torch (

“Who Could Be Next”: Top Canadian Pension Fund Sells Manhattan Office Tower For $1, Sparking Firesale Panic | ZeroHedge

This could be the start of an avalanche.

Aaron Bushnell, Who Burned Himself Alive, Cheered Murder of U.S. Soldiers – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Vipers in our midst.  Anyone remember that cadet who graduated with this T-shirt on?


Commie Cadet Resigns From The Army After Viral Controversy - Funny ...


Incidentally, good book:

Exposing the Real Che Guevara: And the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him

The US Government is actively funding Chinese Gain-of-Function research into bird flu.  First:  I thought this was ILLEGAL, and 2nd, didn’t the last several years teach us that this is a BAD idea?  The only thing I can conclude is that this is deliberate, “in-your-face”, we’re doing it anyway, and SHUT UP Peasants:

Watchdog group uncovers docs showing US govt. now funding more gain-of-function research in China for bird flu | Sharyl Attkisson

Machine guns are defined as: Pull the trigger & hold it, and the system will continue firing until it runs out of ammo or you let up on the trigger.  Due to the NFA and other laws, since 1984, they are also illegal to make for civilians.  So if you want one legally, be prepared to payout some SERIOUS cash (like $15K-$30K) for a used one (assuming someone is willing to sell), plus tax stamps, a seriously deep background check etc., etc., etc.  Or you can do what the Chinese are doing:  Flooding the criminal market with special (illegal) parts that allow standard, semi-auto guns to be made into machine guns (and the Chinese are selling suppressors, which is ALSO illegal without tax stamps, & lots of paperwork).  The criminals don’t care if their gun is illegal as all He__, in fact, it may make points for them “in the hood”:

‘Blood Money’: How China Is Secretly Arming American Criminals (

This is an excellent article written in 2014, and it makes an interesting perspective to see how much MORE corrupt the government has become since then:

The Pig Trap « Taxicab Depressions

Also from that site:



The FBLie would have us believe that the retail theft in the urban areas is being done by white people.  While I’m sure there are SOME people of all races involved, the vast majority of videos from ACTUAL EVENTS show differently:

London, one of the shining cities of the West, has fallen to Islamic rule.  And thanks to the feckless “leaders” in Britain, not a shot was fired:

Londonistan: Who’s City Is It? – Winds of Jihad (


British MPs are having to hire bodyguards to protect them from Muslim extremists (

For my Jewish friends:  If you or your children are attending college at a liberal university, I encourage you to get out NOW.  For the moment, the Muslims [and their Leftist allies] are just chanting slogans & breaking windows, but I fear it will soon slide into a full on violence to wipe you out.  Frankly I’m ashamed that this is happening in the United States:

UC BERKELEY: Violent pro-Hamas, anti-Israel Muslim thugs shut down event hosted by Jewish students (

From the “let them eat cake” department:  Kellogg’s is now advertising helping your food budget by eating cereal for dinner.  There were times in college when my food budget meant peanut butter sandwiches and Raman noodles for most of my meals, but the average family should NOT have to eat cereal for dinner!:

Cereal For Dinner – Kellogg’s CEO Sends Depression-Era Message – Victory Girls Blog

Regarding the “pipe bombs” from January 6th, 2021.  Amazingly, a 3rd camera that showed the screen was found to have “somehow” panned away from the “scene of interest” during the whole response.  We have a saying in the military:  Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but 3 times is enemy action.  This makes it look more and more like a set-up by the FBI & The DOJ, turning them into “enemies of the people”.  The question is:  What do we do about it?:




Pick of the Post:



Whether it’s eating bugs or going gay/trans or whatever, notice that the marketing is always aimed at kids.  Remember, two famous socialists about kids:






Palate Cleansers:



Especially weekend mornings.


I’ll show myself out.  TGIF!




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

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