National Walk-Out Demonstrates the Hypocrisy of the Gun-Ban Left

Steve MacDonald

Ruling ClassMany of the students who participated in the Women’s March organized National Walkout are victims of Progressive pressure politics. Others are misinformed cattle used as mules for Liberal narratives. More than we can imagine were just happy to leave the building and go outside.  And a small portion of them can see the forest for the trees.

The second amendment is an enumeration of a natural right that the State shall not deny law-abiding citizens.

There’s one more narrative we need to explore in the wake of the National Walkout.

Dan Bongino explains it and explores it in his podcast from this past Thursday. Beginning at around 25 minutes.

And I’m paraphrasing what Dan says,

Kids are walking out at this rally, advocating for the government to take (second amendment) rights from their parents. The politicians showing up to advocate for taking those rights away are protected using the tools those kids want taken away.

His point is that the political elites and VIP’s who showed up at the DC walkout can and do ignore gun free zone signs at Schools. Their kids are protected. By secret service, bodyguards, armed guards, police escorts, even armed themselves, and no one is telling them hey, gun free zone, you can’t carry in here. When it’s the kids of the elites, they get to choose their protection.

When it’s your kids or anyone not in the protected or political class, you have to rely on the sign to protect your kids. “No Tacital measure at all,” to quote Dan. It’s a gun free zone. You don’t need firearms. You don’t get to choose. The sign is more than enough.

But it’s not, and the armed presence the elites employ proves that.

So what does it mean when an organization with socialist roots and big dollar Democrat donors politicizes the deaths of children to advance a progressive disarmament agenda using mouth-pieces protected by firearms?

It’s Business as usual.

A business that galvanizes the quote I posted yesterday in the article about the NH Senate blocking a bill to allow gun free zones in public schools.

“I’m disappointed,” (Democrat State Sen. David Watters) said, “because our children are crying out to us to do something about keeping their schools free of guns.”

Our children are not crying out for schools free of guns. Democrat pressure groups and politicians are crying out to push gun control.

Kids just want to get out of class or (like gun grabbing Democrats) get some of that free attention that comes from inserting yourself into the wake of a tragedy perpetrated by someone else who was looking for attention too.

Merrimack High School allowed students to join the ‘look at me’ I matter walk out and the very next day they had to postpone a rally and another event due to threats to the school and students that resulted in a police investigation.

Look at me I’m a teenager, and I’m special.

Watters and his lot are not content to program children to sacrifice their natural rights to the super-state, they encourage them to walk into the same light Nikolas Cruz craved when his efforts to reach out to almost everyone failed. And he reached out a lot. To the same super-state that claims it will protect us after it disarms us, and failed.

Please understand that the State is not at all interested in your safety it only wants your acquiescence. The Women’s March, the National Walkout, and all the legislative shadow dances about safety are acts to force compliance to the will of a class of people who will prohibit your right to self-defense (while they continue to be protected by firearms) to thank you for your support.

The Two America’s is not something Democrats are working to prevent, it is a political goal.

New Hampshire Democrats like David Watters, whether they know it or not–and you decide which is more dangerous–are advocating for separation of people and state. A liberal elite culture where the ruling class has more money, more influence, more power, and more rights than the ruled.

An America where law-abiding parents who want to carry concealed for the protection of their family, even in the face of grotesque ruling-class incompetence in Parkland, are told they are not entitled to the same rights as elites and the political class.

And it’s not just guns. Pick an issue and that’s the Democrat party agenda in a nutshell. But they can’t be certain they will get and keep the rest of what they want while lawful Americans remain armed. So they and their mouth-pieces will nibble at any corner they can to move the gun-ban agenda forward.

And no, they do not care if criminals are armed. In fact, armed criminals help their agenda along. Disarming them was never the point.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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