WATCH: Daniel Richard v. Chris Sununu – Voting Rights Case Oral Arguments before the NH State Supreme Court

Oral arguments in the case of Daniel Richard v. Christopher Sununu et al. will be heard this morning. Dan is in pursuit of remedy and redress for violations of his voting rights. You can read Dan’s latest brief here, and the oral remarks live stream is embedded below.


The NH Supreme Court has taken my election law case for review. I just filed my Sur-reply to the State’s Brief. Oral arguments are next. The new SCOTUS decision from June 27, 2023, in Moore v. Harper (N.C. redistricting case) will now be tested in NH Highest Court. See attached copy of my Sur-reply why … Read more

NH Supreme Court House

Daniel Richard: NH Supreme Court, you got it wrong. Files for Reconsideration

And, after chatting with him a bit ago, is willing to take this to Federal court. I have to laugh because his Motion is the first one that I’ve seen or heard of that can actually use the Claremont “cherish” decision in a positive way. From the top part of the Motion: Now comes the … Read more

House session 05-30-24

NH House Attendance Finale: 50 “Perfect” Republicans and The Whole House (6 of The Top Ten Worst Were Dems)

With the final day of the session past us, it is time to reminisce (cue misty dream sequence) about the past few months. We’ve been sharing – to the dismay of some – a weekly list of Republicans who missed roll call votes (and how many). Today, we have two lists. The Republicans voted in … Read more

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Your Final NH House Republican Attendance Report of the Session (Some Reps are Applauding)

In the blogging business, if someone is complaining, there’s a good chance you’re doing something worthwhile, especially when the unhappy people are in government. Reporting roll call vote attendance has had its fair share of negative responses, suggesting we must keep doing them.

Chairs 6 feet apart social distncing


As the session winds down, Reps can rest assured they will no longer have to suffer through these reports. Yes, it is another Republican House attendance report—our regular list of who missed roll call votes and how many.

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NH House Republican Attendance for 5/9/2024

Attendance was better this week than last for Republicans, by which I mean more Demcorats were absent. And a few folks we don’t typically see missed votes. They likely had other obligations that could not be avoided. That happens with a citizen legislature. And then there were O’Hara and Trottier.

NH state house dome

Night Cap: Two Dangerous Bills Must Be Stopped

California and a few other states have already ended single-family zoning statewide. And that includes neighborhoods that were ALREADY single-family when people bought into them.

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NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-28-2024

Another week, another opportunity to get emails from disgruntled Reps who missed one vote. That seems to be the cycle. The folks who’ve been diligent get miffed, while the gross offenders could care less. That’s fine; this is, after all, to alert the people that a handful consistently refuse to represent.

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NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-21-2024

It was another week of wins and losses at the NH State House, and Transparency lost big time. You can get more details on that here if the urge strikes, for or purpose is different. We bring you news of Republicans who missed Roll Call votes and how many.

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NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-14-2024 [Update]

If you missed Rep. Aron’s excellent report from the State House this morning, please save it for later. We also publish Rep. McGuire’s detailed State House newsletter, which is worth some time if you want or need to dig into the weekly legislative weeds.

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NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-7-2024

Thursday is session day, and if you missed Judy Aron’s round-up this morning, make a note to check that out (right after you’ve finished looking to see if your rep missed any roll call votes or if they missed a lot of them).

Chris Sununu Gordon MacDonald

“Gov. Sununu and the AG Gordan MacDonald need to be removed from office”

NH Attorney General Gordon MacDonald is corrupt and he is committing crimes against the good people of this State. He needs to be removed from office.

Alaska’s Dan Sullivan win his US Senate re-election bid

Which puts the GOP at 50 seats with two seats left to decide – both in the Georgia runoffs to be held on Jan 5th. It’s about freaking time – he’s been ahead 2-1 almost since Election Day Week Month Year (seems like it’s been a whole year….) Day. Speaking of Georgia. The Democrats have … Read more

Wealth tax is dangerous

Wealth Tax Is Dangerous and Will Not Increase Revenue

Wealth tax is dangerous to the economic present and future of states which implement it. States know their revenue streams have taken a hit. In New Hampshire, the shortfall will be half to three-quarters of a billion dollars. The upcoming legislative session will be a test.

Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch

Dan Bongino – Obama Did It

If you follow Dan Bongino’s podcast, you already know this. If not, you should, and here’s why. He’s plugged in. He’s working on his third book relating to this whole scandal. And now he’s pushing Obama’s buttons on the Flynn smear.

Richard Johnson, M.D. : prohibiting biological males from being on biological girls teams

At this week’s hearing on HB1251, I went up to Dr. Richard when the hearing was closed and introduced myself. I was intrigued by his testimony and his presentation style.  While I’m waiting for the video to be processed, I’m going to put up his testimony now.

DISQUS Doodlings – where Dan Williams puts himself into a capitalist Mobius strip…and falls off

Once again we see the Left on display complaining that life won’t manifest itself into their whine of “equal outcomes.”  The piece by Katharine Gregg (after the jump) complains about what most Progressives do – gee, some people have a head start and familial leg up on the rest of us; she labels that “opportunity … Read more

GrokTALK! Feb 15, 2014 with Dr. Betsy McCaughey, Dr. Julianne Cooper, and Richard Olson

[su_audio url=”″]CCCC[/su_audio] Please use this player – the old versions have lost their links. Richard H. Olson jr., president of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club,  joins us to talk about the defeat of HB 1589  (a redundant and badly written background check bill), the lies used to sell it, and the players in its … Read more

Unanimous Consent For Richard “Stretch” Kennedy

Delivered Jan 29, 2014 by Dan McGuire Madam Speaker and colleagues, former Representative Richard “Stretch” Kennedy sadly passed away two weeks ago.  In preparing this speech I’ve had the great pleasure of reminiscing with some of Stretch’s friends, colleagues, relatives, neighbors, employees and acquaintances.  The same adjectives were mentioned time and time again: unique, larger … Read more