Keeping tabs on government

. For those of us activists that seek as much openness and transparency as possible with our government and its multiple webs of bureaucracy, there is no doubt that there is good reason for the effort. Reality demonstrates that people are not always prone to do the right thing. Just because they are in the … Read more

Interview with Doug. Sorry– I don’t worship space aliens….

I was recently asked to do an interview that ended up not being used by the requestor. It was a rather odd experience, as it turns out that the person is some kind of reverend, although not in the usual sense, I suspect. I went to the website he claimed to be affiliated with and … Read more

Democrats and National Defense. Should we be afraid?

. Earlier today, GraniteGrok caught up with Jennifer Millerwise Dyck, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director of public affairs and former deputy communications director for Bush-Cheney ’04. She now serves as a vice president at APCO Worldwide, an independently owned global communication consultancy with offices in major cities throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and … Read more

Meet the New Press “does” NH’s First in the Nation Primary

.. . .. . . . . Starting Saturday morning at 9 am! . ….              .Pat Hynes                                  Skip Murphy                                  Doug Lambert . This week’s broadcast version of GraniteGrok and AnkleBitingPundits features 100% POLITICS– Specifically, the looming First in the Nation Primary. ALL STARTING AT 9AM! As always, thanks to the technical wizardry and … Read more

It’s November 1st. Who ya gonna vote for?

. Today is November 1st. While the actual date of the NH Primary has yet to be set, you know we’re just about two months away, give or take a week or two. I’m sure that many of you are getting close to settling on a candidate. Pick your party and pick your candidate in the … Read more

False Shepherds?

I grew up in Oklahoma City when Oral Roberts was on TV. My siblings and I used to make fun of him. When he would ask people to come and put their hand on the TV, we’d jokingly do what he said. He would holler, "heal, heal, heal!" We’d all laugh and practice saying the same thing … Read more

“Kicking the tires.” Checking out candidates, NH style: The Democrats

. As a New Hampshire resident and an active citizen journalist sharing my observations and opinions here on the ‘Grok, on the radio program "Meet the New Press", and in a weekly newspaper column in the Laconia Daily Sun, media pass in-hand, I have had the opportunity to see a fair number of presidential wannabees live … Read more

Monday Poll

As we find ourselves rapidly approaching those dog days of summer, it becomes more difficult to worry about presidential politics. With swimming pools and beaches, horsehoes, friends, parties and BBQs, who really wants to listen to some presidential wannabee go on and on? Even political junkies like me tend to have things to do other … Read more

Dems: If elected, we will have “peace for our time.” Well, nobody really said that, but they might as well have…

British P.M. Neville Chamberlain infamously declares, after appeasing Adolf Hitler, "My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time." . Considering the reality of the dangers posed to America by the nascient fundamentalist Islamo-Fascist movement … Read more

Dope of the Week Honorable Mention

In this previous posting, Skip discussed the meltdown of the mainline Protestant churches: Much has been written here in NH, due to the ascendancy of Gene Robinson to bishop of the NH Episcopalian church (openly gay, recently admitted to a rehap facility for alcohol abuse). As an Evangelical Baptist, I have glumly watched, sometimes in horror, … Read more

Retired U.S. Military Commanders Back Israel’s Response to Hezbollah

WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 /U.S. Newswire/ — Over 50 retired top commanders of the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard today issued a joint statement in strong support of Israel’s military response to Hezbollah terrorism. . The statement is signed by former top commanders of NATO, US Naval Operations, Special Operations, Army … Read more

Lost, Never Forgotten

With Memorial Day upon us, it seems a fitting time to share some thoughts and reflections regarding a recent trip with my children to Washington, D.C. One of the sites we visited was the newly-dedicated World War II memorial. It was nothing less than breathtaking. The strength and might and heroism that was the “greatest … Read more