First in the Nation Primary Voter Fraud expose – NH AG Richard Head confronted by James O’Keefe II

Project Veritas, founded by James O’Keefe, made a mockery of the falsehood promulgated by NH Democrats that voter fraud didn’t exist in NH.  They continued to look away, like ostriches racing to the nearest sand bar milliner or hatters  (yeah, think that one over), for years as instances of fraud kept rolling into AG’s office … Read more

Notable Quote – James Gwartney and Richard Stroup

Similarly, the record of government planning in the United States is fraught with internal inconsistencies. The federal government both subsidizes tobacco growers and propagandizes against smoking. It pays some farmers not to produce grain products and, at the same time, subsidizes others with irrigation projects so they can grow more of the very same grain … Read more

SB 0120 – Let’s name the names, shall we? Jeb Bradley (R), Sharon Carson (R), Bob Odell (R), Shawn Jasper (R), Gary Richardson (D)

Let me get this off my chest: I am now ashamed that GraniteGrok, Meet the New Press (our former radio show), and I, did all we could to help Jeb Bradley, the prime sponsor of this Act, beat “Bathroom Bud” Martin in that special election that seems so long ago.  I was told he was … Read more

Tax Avoidance: Only The Little People Pay Taxes II

“Be wary of strong drink. It can make you shoot at tax collectors… and miss.”—Robert A. Heinlein Tax Avoidance: Only The Little People Pay Taxes was my July 30, 2010 article at New Hampshire Insider detailing how Massachusetts Senator John F. Kerry, a/k/a, “Mr. Heinz,” saved himself over a half million dollars in sales taxes … Read more

Blogburst: A connection between NH AG Richard Head and convicted terrorist bomber Brett Kimberlin?

“WHY would Dick Head want to approach her even with a 10 foot pole?“ You bet (to answer the post title question)!  Real easy too!  I had previously blogged this post “Why does NH AG Richard Head want James O’Keefe emails from a third party without a subpoena?” where Dick Head was inquiring of a … Read more

BE BREITBART: Update 5: Right To Know Request – IT and HR records for NH DES employee, Richard de Seve – RTK responses from the State of NH DES.

Well, Monday the “RTK Dude” from the State of NH Department of Environmental Services (“DES”) gave me a call to let me know that we had “incoming” from  to our Right To Know Request concerning Mr. Richard de Seve (apparently, we have helped his Google ranking – or our’s concerning him) activities and the State’s … Read more

Breaking: NH State Supreme Court Affirms Standing in Election Law Lawsuit

I just received a message from Dan Richard. The NH State Supreme Court has affirmed that he has standing on his equal protection claim (Richard v. Sununu) in his election law lawsuit. Richard v. Sununu et al., 2023-0097, Affirmed in part; vacated in part; and remanded. BASSETT and DONOVAN, JJ., concurred; HANTZ MARCONI, J., sat … Read more

NH Constitution

Are You Voting “Political Party” or “Constitution”?

“Winning is merely a precursor; what is of most importance is what happens afterward.” In my early years, I voted for a Party’s candidates based on their Platform. Later, in mid-life, I learned that while the Platform should be the Standard of Measure/Quality Assurance document, I had learned through a rude experience to shift my voting focus. … Read more

Update 1: A Writ of Mandamus to the State of NH: Do Your Job Concerning Voting

Well, I was hoping to get a callback from the Secretary of State’s Elections section yesterday concerning Dan Richard’s Writ of Mandamus – that didn’t happen. Upon coming home from taking the Grandson to Clarke’s Bears, I quickly opened the laptop thinking that I might have received an email. Wishful thinking. However, Dan received a … Read more

State Seal of NH

Breaking Story – A Writ of Mandamus to the State of NH: Do Your Job Concerning Voting

We have been covering Dan Richard’s efforts to get the State of NH to do the only thing it is supposed to do. Simply this, which the NE Patriots’ football team made famous: DO YOUR JOB! It’s simple—real simple. Yet, it has taken years of hard work on the part of this one brave and … Read more

Gavel law books courts

Motion for Leave of the Court to File New Late Authorities

Now comes, the Plaintiff Daniel Richard, pro se, pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 16 (7), respectfully gives notice of a new compelling authority from the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States “SCOTUS”, decided on June 27, 2024 inSECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. JARKESY ET AL No. 22—859. (2024) (SEC v. Jarkesy) … Read more

Vote, ballot, ballot box

One Thing You Can’t Count On: Your NH Vote Being Counted

For a long time now, the political leaders in this country have been trying to create a paradigm shift by removing the power from the people to make decisions and placing it nearly exclusively into their own hands. These are abuses of power that have for too long gone unchallenged by an apathetic and resigned … Read more

NH Constitution

Election Laws Have Been Changed without Our Consent

What is the role of the Supreme Court at the state or federal level? The U.S. Supreme Court’s official website says, “First, as the highest court in the land (or state), it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an important role … Read more


Event Updates – New Speakers, Lots of Vendors, Dirt-Cheap Gun Raffle Tickets, and More …

Saturday, Oct 28, is shaping up to be a beautiful Fall day, with great weather, speakers, table vendors, food, free speech (a gun raffle), and conversation. All that’s missing, as they say, is you, and we’ve got some updates we hope will encourage you to join us.

tickets raffle

Reminder – Groktoberfest is Less than Two Weeks Away

I met a lot of people at the Leadership Summit who were planning to come to Groktoberfest but had not yet purchased tickets. As we near the event date, I’d like to remind you that there’s no discount for waiting, and we’d like to know how much fun we can expect to have with readers, … Read more

Groktoberfest Tickets Are Available, Now!

We are happy to announce that tickets for ‘Groktoberfest are officially on sale starting … Now! Food, Music, Beverages, speakers, and some Fun! I’d also like to welcome our newest newsletter subscribers to the list.

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Alderman Dowd Is Out of Touch With His Constituents and the City of Nashua

While not everyone reading this lives in Nashua, and not every local votes in Ward 2 (which is at Charlotte Ave School, to those who don’t know where they vote), it’s well past time for Alderman Dowd to retire.

David Scanlan via Concord Monitor

Eh, NH Secretary of State David Scanlan? Which one is it?

May 3rd was the Executive Council’s hearing on NH Governor Chris Sununu’s appointee to a Superior Court judgeship, Anne Edwards. A number of people gave testimony, including Dan Richard, a Constitutional Activist.

Recount Workstation setup

I Was There but I Didn’t See Landrigan

I spent yesterday morning through mid-afternoon at the NH Division of Archives and Records Management for the recount for Gargiulo and Altschiller. She’s one of the “Assault Twins” who [allegedly, cough, cough] hip-checked Second Amendment supporter Susan Olsen hard into a table after a gun control hearing in the NH House.

Gavel law books courts

Motion for Expedited Hearing to Determine the Safety, Efficacy, and Constitutionality of NH Voting Equipment, and Voting Statutes

Now Come the Plaintiff, Daniel Richard, in the above-numbered and entitled action, pursuant to a Bonafide emergency, and moves the Court for this Motion for an Expedited hearing to Determine the Safety, Efficacy and Constitutionality of New Hampshire Voting Machines.