You Owe US! You’ll never be anything without US!

This is why I hate that phrase "give back".  Commonly used to indicate doing something to benefit a community, it translates to be like an entitlement by and to society.  An obligation, as in "what are YOU doing to ‘give back’?".  After all, you owe us.  Yet, I thought we were a "free people"! Not … Read more

A Tale of Two Cities: Detroit and Houston

GOOD READ below, from from National Review. You can subscribe to National Review HERE (I do; well worth it). Houston, We Have a Solution A tale of two cities BY MARIO LOYOLA  On a warm Saturday evening in June 1943, crowds were relaxing on Belle Isle, a retreat slightly larger than New York’s Central Park nestled in the … Read more

Your Vote Is Worth Millions- Maybe You’d Like To Protect it?

SB 129 is coming up for a veto override vote in the New Hampshire Senate in the next week or so. (The Union leader referred to it as SB 189, this morning, which is incorrect.) SB 129 would require ID to vote in New Hampshire. It would afford the same protection to your vote as it does to dozens of other things you need an ID for.

Well this is interesting….

Subject: Broken California. Question: Can this be true? Another question: How many agencies does New Hampshire have? Last question: How many should be abolished? EVER WONDER WHY CALIFORNIA IS BROKE?  But, unfortunately I’m sure that: New York, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and Massachuetts aren’t much different. If you find this bad just imagine … Read more

Public Employees with a Limitless Sense of Entitlement to Our Money

These are angry, dangerous people filled with hatred for anyone who dares to tell them "WE DON’T HAVE THE MONEY ANYMORE!" Do they not understand? Or are they merely filled with a sense of unlimited entitlement to our money? Here’s a report on one of the latest acts of hatred, violence, and vandalism….

DCCC Thanksgiving Cheat Sheet

The Morons at the DCCC have done the nation a service this Thanskgiving. They have sent out an email to arm the tin-foil hat army with a ‘cheat sheet’ in the event that they find themselves in this unfortunate situation.

Is Regime Change Coming to Iran? – an interview with Amil Imani

  Introduction: Since the fraudulent June 12th Presidential elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), an increasingly emboldened opposition, the green movement, has arisen to demand the overthrow of the IRI. The green movement refuses to desist from launching massive street protests in Tehran, Qum, Isfahan and other major Iranian cities. All this is … Read more

Washington’s financial figleaf

WASHINGTON’S FINANCIAL FIG LEAF So, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and the Obama Administration have now made a proposal for financial regulatory reform. Clearly, such a proposal was very much needed. But the proposal that the U.S. Treasury has now presented is sorely off target. It is neither comprehensive enough, nor does it address the … Read more

Unexpected, simultaneous series of attacks

As soon as I saw the news and some details of the terrorist attacks in India, I was reminded of the Tet Offensive. Gunmen have carried out a series of co-ordinated attacks across the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay), killing 101 people and injuring 287 more. At least seven high-profile locations were hit in India’s financial capital, including … Read more

Race debate in Central NH. “Negro 101” Part 2. Striking back…

Following up on this previous posting, in which the local Democrats here in Central NH have decided to take a local letter-writer "to task" for daring to be critical of the latest version of Barack Obama and, more importantly to local and state level Dems, daring to use the word "negro". As I noted in the … Read more

Goodbye, Rudy.

Rudy’s first NH campaign stop. Heady days, indeed… (GG photo) . Long-time ‘Grok readers know that Rudy Giuliani was at one time at the top of the list of people we wanted to see gain the Republican nomination. Based on attending numerous events here in NH, we thought he had that air of enthusiasm and … Read more

Constitutional rights might invade D.C.

I now have the privilege in introducing DAVE who is thinking of joining us as part of the ‘Grok crew.  Based on this piece, I think he’ll fit in just dandy!  So please, be nice to him, on this, his first try!  -Skip =================================================================  DC city hall bureaucrats are shaking in their federal government subsidized … Read more

Blogger Conference Call: Discussing Obama’s “Comprehensive Strategy to Fight Global Terrorism” [Full text included]

Sen Barack Obama in Laconia recently (GG file photo) . Here at the ‘Grok, we make no bones about the fact that we are conservative Republicans and will almost without question be voting that way barring some unforseen and monumental circumstance. That being said, we are observing, studying, and chronicling what the Democrats are doing because … Read more

From Mayberry, RFD to Maywood, CA

In addition to this post, this disturbing story was discussed at in March 2006, but received little national attention.  The original news story in the LA Times is no longer available on that newspaper’s website archive.  Read here about this experiment in lawlessness, miles from America’s second-largest city. Welcome to Maywood CA, Where Roads … Read more