Billboard Chris at Boston Children's Hospital

150 Boston Police, 12 Protesters, One Counterprotester, and Zero Antifa

On Saturday, January 14, my husband and I joined Billboard Chris and several others in front of Boston Children’s Hospital to protest what they are doing to kids at their pediatric gender clinic which includes socially transitioning kids at three years old, administering puberty blockers to kids at 10, and amputating girls’ healthy breasts at … Read more

Nashua City Attorney Steve Bolton Nashua Legal Dept

The Police Records of Attorney Bolton

I put in a Right To Know demand for the police records for Attorney Bolton and I received 86 pages of documents going back to 2000. Frankly, these records are stunning. They depict a very angry, hostile,out-of-controll man who lacks self-awareness and self-control.


Girard Denounces Defund the Police Rallies Targeting Manchester

MANCHESTER, NH June 17, 2021—”The story written by John DiStaso in his NH Primary Source column is disturbing to say the least. That the NH Youth Movement, whatever that is, has “targeted” Manchester as a place that needs to defund police is as disturbing as it is dangerous.