Unexpected, simultaneous series of attacks


As soon as I saw the news and some details of the terrorist attacks in India, I was reminded of the Tet Offensive.

Gunmen have carried out a series of co-ordinated attacks across the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay), killing 101 people and injuring 287 more. At least seven high-profile locations were hit in India’s financial capital, including two luxury hotels where dozens of hostages are being held.

The buildings are now ringed by troops. Gunmen are also said to be holding people captive in an office block. Police say four suspected terrorists have been killed and nine arrested. As day broke in Mumbai, the situation on the ground was still confused with reports of gunfire and explosions at between seven and 16 locations.

Recall that in late January, 1968, American forces and their South Vietnamese allies found themselves completely surprised with an unexpected series of attacks occurring almost simultaneously in numerous cities and towns across the entire area under US protection. This event is known as the Tet Offensive. The US effort never fully recovered from this multi faceted strike.

The attacks in India should serve as a warning to us here in America. Imagine this: A white van pulls up in front of a Wal Mart or a grocery store filled with holiday shoppers as they prepare for the season. Suddenly, 5 men with semi-automatic weapons burst out and enter the store firing. Who’s going to shoot back? Suppose this scenario plays out in, say, 20 states? That’s 100 people attacking famous, all-American symbols of business and retail distribution. What would be the result? Remember what happened to the economy of the area where the "Beltway Sniper" operated? People were afraid to leave their homes– they couldn’t buy gasoline or go to Home Depot without fear of getting shot. No airplanes. No weapons of mass destruction. Just 100 determined, hate-filled men and 100 guns and 20 vans. Just imagine…

The events in India MUST be a wakeup call that, with or without the Obamassiah, the world is still a VERY dangerous place.

Eternal Vigilance. Words to live by more than ever…


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