The Grok on WGIR – Friday morning edition



Once again, the ‘Grok was on the Morning show from 6 – 6:30 with Jeff Chidester and crew to talk about what’s going on in the blogosphere. 

We talked a little about:

  • We also started on education with the erupting scandal that Atlanta’s teachers and administrators have put themselves into over cheating on standardized test scores and why is that any different than the capitalists in the Enron fiasco:

"The Left castigates capitalist for being greedy about profits, and breaking the law and cheating to get them?  So, what’s the difference between that and teachers and administrators lusting after high test scores and breaking the law and cheating to get them?". 

  • How to solve that? The phrase that teachers unions hate to hear:

Students do not deserve a public education; students deserve a publicly funded education.

  • That brings up the other thing that teachers unions hate to hear, Competition, for that’s what will have to happen to rectify our poor national educational scores (and why federalizing schools over local control is a train wreck in process).
  • Intertwined in the above was the discussion that it isn’t capitalism that is to blame, it isn’t the teachers / administrators to blame, but it IS about a lack of individual morality (thank for starting this, Boomers!).
  • Ah yes, the Federal Govt "wisely" using other peoples’ money

On top of the fact that the Stimulus saved jobs but at a cost of $278K, now we hear that some Montana residents have broadband hookups at $7M per household

Other stories I flooded Jeff with but we didn’t get to (the EPA ones are ones that I wish we had had time for) after the jump:

So, what’s the diff between Dems and Communists?

The Left castigates capitalist for being greedy about profits, and breaking the law and cheating to get them?
So, what’s the difference between that and teachers and administrators lusting after high test scores and breaking the law and cheating to get them?

On top of the fact that the Stimulus saved jobs but at a cost of $278K, now we hear that some Montana residents have broadband hookups at $7M per

Really???  Govt can’t stop ANY of the 3M checks daily?  Their computers have to be reprogrammed? A "massive and difficult undertaking"?  Who is *&&^*() who?

Did you know that if seniors opt out of Medicaid, they lose their SS!  DeMint files to stop that nonsense

Great!  EPA gives grants to groups that then turn around and sue – the EPA!  10 years of this!

So by burning HUGE amounts of coal, CHINA has saved us all from more global warming (really, they’re serious!)

Obama TwitHall: "…we will have to make tough decisions about Defense spending, or even on programs that I like…".   Like the Military much?  (rumored $700 Billion cut?)

Obama Admin (and the pointy headed Ivory Tower Big Brains that inhabit it) still don’t understand why hiring hasn’t happened:
The private sector isn’t going to invest or hire as long as new regulations continue to pour out of Washington. Each new rule makes it harder to set a long-term business plan with any degree of certainty. Entrepreneurs who can’t make a reasonable estimate of future costs won’t risk their capital on new opportunities. That means less economic activity, fewer jobs and an economy that stays in the doldrums.

How much worse is a TSA exam going to get, now that bombers may have them internalized and scanners can’t see them?

Repubs in DC – are they willing to go to the mat over debt ceiling?

No, but at least 1 Repub wants a LOWER debt ceiling

I like this corporate tax reform suggestion!

Man, I bet Obama is PISSED, cause he wants 1M EV cars on the road like NOW (gee, is that why he’s upping CAFE standards and shutting down oil drilling?)

Is this why DC is broken: WHY is it so hard to get Repubs to pass a law so we can just buy an incandescent light bulb?

not only is EPA passing more regs to shut down more industrial plants and electric generation plants, but requiring more engine killing ethanol in our gas…

And why is the EPA giving our borrowed-from-China bucks to…..China?

Oh Goody! – having failed in propping up housing prices / mortgages, Obama wants another chance to spend even more!

Govt of Mexico helps illegal aliens get free US healthcare

And that’s it until next week!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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