Kermit the Frog was getting tired of blending in when he sang the words, "It isn’t easy being green." But he’s got nothing on the GoreBama environmental crowd. These greens are having a horrible time fitting reality to their wilting rhetoric.
First, Evergreen Solar in Massachusetts, recipient of $58 million in subsidies to promote green jobs, filed for bankruptcy and moved all 800 jobs to China. Proof once more that Obama really is creating or saving millions of jobs…for the Chinese…at your expense.
Next up, CERN, a big to do European concern in the world of science (high energy physics), finally succumbed to science over politics, and let some researchers test a few theories about cloud formation that they had been reluctant to allow. The results may well unhinge the anthropogenic global warming cart from its team of asses. We now have hard scientific evidence that cosmic radiation increases cloud cover. Cloud cover has a significant impact on warming. Up side? Al Gores massively hypocritical carbon footprint is even less of an actual risk to the planet than prior to the CERN announcement.
But fear not Planeteers! Al Gore Warming (AGW) will not be undone so easily.
In a profanity strewn diatribe before the Aspen Institute, Gore said mean things about scientists who must be on the payroll of some arch-nemesis bent on brainwashing everyone into letting the evil genius destroy the planet. This, as opposed to all the "scientists" (economists, journalists, confidence men) who have been hiding the decline or crowding out dissent to keep the billions in taxpayer dollars rolling in to keep them "on message."
Gore, who has become both insane and wealthy pounding the global pulpit for the Earth Goddess, could probably use a few Lorazapam and a massage to relax him, (just not in Oregon). But I doubt he’ll be able to find anyone willing to risk it. That means a lot more big mouth Ass on the line.
I’m actually waiting to hear about Al’s Keith Olbermann doll unleashing a scathing "fact-filled" response on Al TV, where at least five or six people who already believe Al will learn that the new name for global warming is an unpronounceable symbol that looks remarkably similar to an upraised middle finger.
Finally, August comes to a shuttering halt when the Emerald of the Green jobs, look-ma-my-stimulus-really-works-firmament, turns out to be a piece of glass from an old Heineken bottle. That’s right, Solyndra, the recipient of over half a billion in stimulus dollars, the Obama template of our bustling green jobs future, filed bankruptcy and kicked all of its employees to the curb. Chapter 11 protection guarantees that we will not likely see a dime of that 535,000,000.00 million back from this legislated investment that never once managed to make a profit.
So it’s not easy being green. That includes the green the democrats and Obama wasted on the green utopia that is based on the lefts sham excuse for trying to take over the entire energy sector.
Want to make green happy again. Drill for frikkin oil. Dig for coal. Tap the natural gas reserves. Then we’ll have millions of real green jobs. Those would be jobs people get to keep long enough to earn some green that didn’t get confiscated from a taxpayer first. Green that keeps coming because it is earned producing something people actually need and want.