A Brief Introduction to the Federal Court System

The federal court system has three main levels: district courts (the trial court), circuit courts which are the first level of appeal, and the Supreme Court of the United States (“SCOTUS”), the final level of appeal in the federal system. Only the SCOTUS is specifically established in Article III of the Constitution.  The Courts of Appeal … Read more

Gender Dysphorics demand we learn an INFINITE number of Pronouns?

It isn’t tolerance or acceptance of what the LGBT Gender Dysphoric are demanding – it is total AFFIRMATION. It is an application of force to change the language and to change your thinking based on willful changes in language.

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Once again, NH Reps want to destroy Parental Authority “for a minor without parental consent.”

NH State Rep. Susan Almy (D) said, “Well, you don’t get to decide what is Constitutional and I don’t get to decide what is Constitutional, the judiciary decides what is Constitutional.” Translation: It ain’t my job, even when drawing up new laws that YOU are subject to, to consider if it is “legal” or not.

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Notable Quote – Gender Dysphoric / Transgender pronouns have gone too far

Emphasis mine: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I have no idea why the Republicans are so damned silent on wokeness, including the transgender madness. No doubt about it, the American people have accepted gay marriage and gay rights, broadly. But the Left will not accept this victory in the culture war. … Read more

Some Science Behind “Sexual Identity” & Calls for Special Protections

There continues to be a lot of discussion and controversy about providing special “protections” for persons who consider themselves, or whose parents may believe them, to be “transgender.” School boards across the state have been encouraged by, among all things, an organization of school boards supported by tax money, and which lobbies the legislature for … Read more

We demand that 2+2 = 5 – “‘Genital preferences’ are transphobic.”

The first time I read this post, I was very confused: gays, lesbians, and gender dysphoric males, gender dysphoric females. Attraction, sex, and epithets thrown all around because the different groups won’t play well with each other.  It made my head hurt and I blame the Left for, once again, bastardizing our common language.

Sidenote: I’m tired of having to use the Left’s language in any kind of debate or discussion so I’m no longer going to use transgender. After all, he who controls the language, controls both the ideas, the debates, and the outcomes. So I refuse to play by their rules anymore. Deal with it. Other Conservatives should consider this idea – and then follow suit.

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The Guys’ Guide to Politically Correct Gift Giving

In case you missed it, the people who sell the very high end, expensive Peloton exercise bike have been taking heat in recent days over the ad they have run for holiday giving, in which a fictional husband surprises his wife with a gift of a Peloton, with which she is ecstatic. The PC Police … Read more

scale justice Blue Injustice

I guess the Gilford School Board missed this one. Victimized by the NHSBA and the NH ACLU, I guess

“There is nothing in the law that requires schools to follow one practice or another. They have discretion.” Was it on bad advice from the NH School Board association?  After all, the NHSBA thought that a mere political subdivision of the State (school board) had authorizing Legislation that gave it the Power (Government has Powers, … Read more

Online Learning May Help the US Close Education Gap

Students Deserve the Best Education Possible

All our state’s students deserve the best education possible, and many people contribute to making that happen. Parents, teachers and school officials are all critical in the effort to educate our kids and help them unlock their potential. But our state legislators are also important, because they help set the overall approach that schools take … Read more

Transjacking – biological males taking over biological female athletics

2+2 = 5 “Lies Are Informing Public Policy” The Gilford School Board, as a result of one family’s complaints about their child suffering from gender dysphoria (I’m not going to use the Left’s language anymore if at all possible – you loose the debate right off the bat) and of the passage of NH SB263, … Read more

Polar Bear Climate change makes me sad

Democrats’ campaign ideas never make it in practice

While it’s on my mind I should comment on a couple of letters in the Laconia Daily Sun where the writers lament our failure to buy into their climate change hysteria. Seems they believe all the disaster scenarios produced over the past 20-some years are cascading into reality. Frankly, I do not see it.

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The Decline & Fall of The Union Leader- a morality tale as to why print media is dying or is already dead

I used to subscribe to The Union Leader for delivery to my home in Gilford 6 days a week. But not anymore. For two major reasons. First, starting with occasional failures to deliver the paper a couple of years ago, their very frequent failure to deliver their product to my mailbox on a regular basis, … Read more

Waste-to-energy is the solution to the trash problem

Regarding the recycling center in Gilford, this whole project has been a boondoggle of the highest degree. As the entire recycling industry crashes and burns, Gilford dives in headfirst … to an EMPTY pool. Once again, government is a day late and a dollar short in providing a “solution” to a “problem” that doesn’t exist, … Read more

Jeff Bezos Amazon.com

Christians Stand with Israel. Amazon stands with discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.

The AmazonSmile Program Now Prevents Customer Donations to a Pro-Israel Organization, Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN), a Tennessee-based non-profit evangelical Christian organization committed towards standing with Israel and fighting antisemitism, has been removed from the AmazonSmile program, which enables Amazon customers to donate a percentage of their purchase to their favorite charity. PJTN President … Read more

Gilford logo

Property Taxes – We must live within our means, and that means making hard choices.

If you are a Gilford property owner, you have just received your property tax bill. Happy? Sad? Angry? Did you notice that, while the total tax rate dropped by less than 7%, the portion of the total tax rate represented by the school tax rate increased (as it usually does) from the prior year?

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Hate Thanksgiving: what else would you expect from two generations being taught to hate America?

It is almost a week after Thanksgiving but these kinds of notions and mindsets didn’t arise from nothingness. If they weren’t handed down by their parents (rather doubtful, especially at a “Christian” college, methinks), it’s by our educational system that has taught this self-loathing of one’s own country.

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Throw the Bums Out!

Our selectmen and county commissioners, among all other government officials, are fiduciaries and have fiduciary duties to us, the voters and taxpayers. If they fail to honor their fiduciary duties to us, they must and should be removed from office.  In other words, throw the bums out! Sometimes easy to do with typical 2-year terms, … Read more

The Myth of Voter Suppression

Do Republicans win elections by preventing minorities—blacks, Latinos, and others—from voting? For those on the left and their allies in the major media, the answer is yes; even more than that, it’s an article of faith. The left says yes, but the data says NO. Jason Riley, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributor … Read more

Connecticut Transgender women track athletes

Transgender policy erases girls’ gains in athletics

To the residents of Gilford & Gilmanton, If you are not already aware, our School Board is on the brink of adopting a new transgender nondiscrimination policy based on the passage of SB 263. Now, on the surface, this sounds like a good idea, right? I don’t imagine many people would tolerate a transgendered student … Read more

Transgender bathroom stand with women

B.b.b.b.b.but those stories on transgender women don’t mention this part at all!

For all of the trans sports stories that are here above the high school level, you never hear about the bathroom / locker room issue (except for that one of NH based Planet Fitness that threw out the Normal woman who complained about the man who said he identified with being a woman – but … Read more

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