We demand that 2+2 = 5 – “‘Genital preferences’ are transphobic.”


The first time I read this post, I was very confused: gays, lesbians, and gender dysphoric males, gender dysphoric females. Attraction, sex, and epithets thrown all around because the different groups won’t play well with each other.  It made my head hurt and I blame the Left for, once again, bastardizing our common language.

Sidenote: I’m tired of having to use the Left’s language in any kind of debate or discussion so I’m no longer going to use transgender. After all, he who controls the language, controls both the ideas, the debates, and the outcomes. So I refuse to play by their rules anymore. Deal with it. Other Conservatives should consider this idea – and then follow suit.

Then after I read it a second and third time, I couldn’t stop laughing. Here is a PRIME example of what gender dysphoria is doing to our language and showing us the results of when the Left’s idea of what the Realities from its various identity groups’ militant members do when they collided like a Demolition Derby crossed with Nascar speeds with the spectacular crashes resulting in flips and barrel rolls of sprint cars.

You’ve brought yourselves upon each other and you can’t blame us Normals for a single slice of it. It shows what happens when nobody seems to have a firm grasp of what a normal Reality used to be and how any of it can apply anymore. Not only that, but when we Normals start observing this, they have no idea of what self-absorbed, selfish buffoons and idiots. The first lesson they should be learning is that no one has to play the game you’ve set up for yourselves and the rest of us not only don’t have to play but don’t WANT to play (even as you still are trying to do the “You will be made to care” dance on our heads).

At the risk of breaking my own Rule #1, here’s the deal.

  1. Gays want to date gays
  2. Lesbians want to date Lesbians
  3. Bisexuals don’t seem to care
  4. Gender dysphorics are mad at all of the above.
  5. #1 and #2 care about what “bits” you have
  6. #4 is upset about how much #5 is in force – it’s “transphobic?

Got all that?  That’s just the beginning of the article – but we heteronormatives (and yes, statistically, we ARE the vast majority of the human race no matter what the LBGT folks say) have to play in their pool simply because they are, again, making us care even as we just want to be left alone.

A few slices of it to show how convoluted things can get.  I’m linking to it but I’m not going to quote here what little Johnnie or Janie would bring back to Mom or Dad:

Gender transition can leave transgender people in a bit of a bind about their sexual desirability. While a transgender female may look, act, and feel masculine and exhibit male tendencies, she is just as female as any other female. If she is interested in either gay men or straight women, she could find herself perpetually attracted to individuals who are not going to be interested in her simply because of her vagina.

The same holds true for transgender men who have retained their penises. If they are into lesbian women or straight men, those two demographics will most likely be turned off by their body parts. This has got to be a painful, difficult, and kind of tragic place to be. The solution? Blame transphobia.

A young trans woman took to the internet recently to bemoan her fate at not being able to get gay guys attracted to her, despite her male appearance. The response was pretty well aghast that a woman who has transitioned to male yet retained her vagina could shame men for liking men and not liking her.

The question is: is it transphobic for a gay man to not want intimacy with a female-bodied transgender person, or is it homophobic for a female-bodied transgender person to think a gay man should want to be intimate with her?

I remember that either Steve or I put up a post about a teenager who thought he was a girl and then complained that other guys wouldn’t date him even though he presented as a “girl”. He really was ticked that once the boys found out, they dropped him like a barbell. He really wouldn’t accept that HIS decisions took him off their “date radar” posthaste. But he blamed THEM and not himself. There was no sense of what the expectations of his “dates” – nor did he care.  Those heteronormative boys were expecting a heteronormative  girl – he lied to them.  Didn’t care that he did.

The Federalist post is the same thing: selfish expectations. Everyone ELSE around them is supposed to cater to that gender dysphorics or you’re “transphobic”. We saw that already – disagree with gay marriage and you’re homophobic. Same tactic, different orientation.  I’ve heard similar things about polyamory now – you’re a hater and who are YOU to judge.

You know who suffers?  The kids – either in school or those tangential to the relationship. We saw similar situations in our daycare as some of the single moms (and the occasional dad but there were far more of the former than the latter) seemed to have a different boyfriend every other month. The kids would “fall” for him and then POOF!, they were gone – and we saw the immediate and medium term results of withdrawal, pain, sullenness, and behavior issues. But I digress.

NOBODY should ever get to that point of expecting they can demand intimacy from people they KNOW wouldn’t be interested in – but it’s happening. And like it or not, it’s ripping the societal fabric apart. It’s a #MeTOO movement – but in the wrong direction. The original, rightfully, was about women being abused by males (let’s leave aside that, like many other movements, it itself went in directions that screwed up the original). THis is about Gender Dysphorics reversing that (not completely the same but go with me

Like in Gilford where a single family with a second grader (she and her husband have already outed him so I’m no longer NOT going to write about the Maxwell family – you wanna play in politics, that’s whats going to happen) has turned the entire District of 1,000 students upside down. But more on that later.

(H/T: The Federalist)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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