Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  I do end up using many of them.  Also, please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme, link, and commentary post if this is a topic of interest.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



I’ve occasionally had conversations where this has happened… where, instead of incuriosity, someone leans forward with wide eyes and a genuinely eager look and says “I hadn’t heard that – tell me more”!









What I found very curious is how defense stocks jumped – and significantly – BEFORE the October 7 attack in Israel.











It still amazes me that there are LGBT people who are pro-Hamas.







What’s that meme?  Something like “I don’t care who you are… nobody has 50+ people in their life that ‘commit suicide'”.




Something far too few people recognize.





People simply don’t think things through.  Consider this enthusiastic advocate of an all-cashless society.  The idea that his cashless payment could be vulnerable to power outages or a government turning you off because they don’t like something you do is doubtless beyond him.






That’s a good point.



I have to wonder if they have internal project names, like the T-1000…










I so want this to be satire.  I really do.






If reparations are truly on the table, then I want all whiney-*ss little b!tches to be repatriated back to the ancestral motherland.  Because without slavery that’s where you’d be.  The below meme is a repeat, but accurate:






In a book I got for my Bar Mitzvah – a treasury of Jewish stories, jokes, proverbs, etc. – there were numerous mentions of the Rothschilds.  All in a good-humor way.  The more I learn about these snakes, the more I think they’re an utter shame & embarassment to us.








In my journal for my kids, I have one entry discussing the top ten things that I’d do differently were I back in my 18-year old body knowing what I know now / being who I am now.




Well done!




I do not expect 2024 to be a legitimate election, assuming one is even held.  MHO, some pretext for “public safety” will be found to cancel it entirely.  Purely a “temporary” thing, of course. 😉




He had me at “mass deportations”… just, if he somehow gets in, expect both the Left and Right to fight this tooth and nail.




No.  Do not just turn and walk away.  Walk in, ask for the manager, and then TELL THEM why you’re leaving the store…






The problem is that Islam is an aggressive, expansionist ideology.  They want the whole world.







Pick of the Post:


A tie:



Very true.  And this one:



Note something: This is – and I’m guessing here – someone who was likely pro-Jab before this tragic injury.  This is the kind of thing that haunts… and will be shared to multiple people.  NOBODY who was a Jab skeptic switches to being for it – the flow is one way only: from Covidian True Believer to skeptic.  Already, and I don’t recall which polling agency, something like 25% of people believe they know someone who died from the Jab.  The know-someone-injured has to be higher.  What happens when that hits 50%?  60?




Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





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