underwater original Photo by Mostafa Ashraf Mostafa on Unsplas

DemocRATS and Sinking Ships

Forget Watergate, the Blue Dress, or Obama’s citizenship—those are small potatoes compared to the Joe Biden Reelection Operation. The Biden Fiasco involves every Democrat, staff member, and the media in a coordinated action to reelect Joe Biden and, more importantly, keep Donald J. Trump out of the White House. The only element we don’t understand is who is coordinating the operation.

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So Much For Transparency

Joe Biden promised us the most transparent administration in history, which he did not have to commit to, for it is expected with the job. The President of the United States owes it to the American people, not just his supporters, to be truthful to every American. This administration fails miserably.

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Confused Joe Biden - The Bull Elephant

The Sock Puppet Presidency

One of the many questions following Joe Biden’s “poor” performance in the presidential debate has been with whom the Democrats shall replace him. Or how about, who is fighting to keep Biden in the race, what donors are doing, what the base thinks (will this fracture the party or get independents off the fence), and, most importantly, who is playing as Chief Executive?

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Confused Joe Biden - The Bull Elephant

Joe and Jill Biden Fighting On

After Biden’s meltdown in the debate, support from many Democratic politicians, big-money donors, and the mainstream media is falling off the proverbial cliff and looking for Joe to throw in the towel. Joe says “NO”!

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Barack Obama middle finger

Existential Has Been Rendered Useless By Democrats

After Joe’s debate fiasco, he must limit his campaign appearances, concentrate on small personal ads that drive a message home, and avoid the verbal gaffes for which he is famous. Joe’s inability to be coherent in a 90-minute debate has created a chaotic situation in every nook and cranny of the Democrat Party.

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Biden wearing a crown image Craiyon.AI

Donors Will Decide Biden’s Fate

I had four articles removed from Facebook in June (ironically)  because they questioned accuracy.  My articles are opinion pieces, and I have worked hard to ensure accuracy in any facts I cite. I say ironically because left-leaning media has been flooding the online social scene with lies for years. Apparently, the algorithms were written for one purpose: to protect the Democrats and, specifically, Joe Biden.

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Kamala Harris

White Males Need Not Apply

California delegate Areva Martin says, “If you pick a white man over Kamala Harris, black women … walk away.” I’m not sure. The Woke-Communists may decide “stop Trump,” “anyone but Trump,” etc. is more important than “diversity,” that lovely euphemism for a racial/sexual/etc. spoils system where America is a bunch of competing tribes and NOT a sovereign nation of individuals.

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