Memestream News: Monday Edition

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.


Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



And don’t forget my latest essay, Depopulation Speculations.




Neil Oliver: ‘ULEZ & the state we’re in!’






As sent to me by a Telegram contact:

Genocide of Banu Qurayza by Muslims ☪️

For anyone who tells you Islam is a religion of peace or Muhammad is a messenger of mercy…ask them to tell you about the Genocide of Banu Qurayza.

And so this person does not make up stories that Muhammad delivered chocolates and flowers to them, you can read the story here:

In short, Muhammad had a peace treaty with several Jewish tribes, some kept it and some sided with the pagans during a battle. The tribe of Banu Qurayza, stayed neutral but after seeing how savage Muhammad was with the other Jewish tribes, Banu Qurayza who counted at best 2000 are no match to Muhammad’s army of nearly 40,000 – had tried to reach out for some aliance elsewhere – although they strongly denied that.

The reality is that Muhammad had already decided he wanted to clear Arabia of all none muslims in this hadith.

Sunan Abi Dawud 3030

Jabir bin ‘Abd Allah said that he was told by ‘Umar bin Al Khattab that he heard the Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) say “I will certainly expel the Jews and the Christians from Arabia and I shall leave only Muslims in it.” (Graded Sahih)

What happened next stains the image of Islam and Muhammad forever. An absolute massacre. The tribe were attacked in the morning and they put up very little resistance. Muhammad accused them of treason for which they could not have any fair trial. Women and girls taken as slaves and sex slaves, men and boys killed. In one shocking incident presents in the Hadith, a mother pleads with Muhammad to save her boy who is only 13. Muhammad asks his men to strip him to see if he has a pubic hair (evidence that he is now an adult) and it turned out he has one single hair!!

The boy was slaughtered.

This was not just a policy against Banu Qurayza, this was standard policy of Muhammad against all the tribes as shown in the authentic hadith:

Can you not feel the love? Can you not feel the mercy of Islam?

So here’s a little more about that massacre:



I’d also strongly suggest understanding the Treaty of Hudaibiya.  Especially Jews who are feting the Abraham Accords.


Is Islam Religion of Peace? A Brief History by Brigitte Gabriel (heb sub)



Now, I was visiting a majority-Muslim country this summer.  While I didn’t wear my kippa – no point in being provocative where I don’t know the laws or language (and all I needed was one guy with a Jihad-mindset and a knife) – I was told by the local Chabad Rabbi that many of the Jews in his congregation do wear them out in public.  Interesting; then again, it’s not an ARAB country.  My wife, as I’ve said, is – nominally – a Muslim (in reality an atheist); our children are being raised as Jews and were converted in a Mikveh too.  Everyone there was friendly; one of my cousins-in-law drove me to that Shul for a Shabbat service to facilitate my going.

However, understand that anti-Semitism is hard-coded into the Koran.

Islamic Jew-Hatred – Geller Report

Antisemitism in the Qur’an – Winds of Jihad (

Do I hope Islam can be reformed in a large way?  Yes.  I know there are Muslims trying to push it.  Certainly I have no stomach for slaughter in a global jihad struggle.  Meanwhile, paging the “Co-exist” symbols, here are three versions of my own:





You could do far, far worse than to visit Political Islam and perusing to start learning about Islam.  Also, their resource store:

Products Archive – Political Islam

And definitely learn about the forms of Sacred Deception.  Two videos from Dr. Bill Warner:


Bill Warner, PhD: Sacred Deception — Taqiyya




Bill Warner, PhD: Deception in Political Islam



And more on the rolling Islamic conquest:

THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: NYC mayor will allow mosque loudspeakers to blare

Along with a chilling video about Muslim demographics:






One of these sets of “bellwether counties” is not like the other.




EXPOSED: Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Wetmore, Patty McMurray, and Jim Hoft

90 Miles From Tyranny : Mystery Swirls Over Batch of Thousands of 2020 Voter Registration Forms in Michigan (

Guaranteed it didn’t just happen in Michigan.













Paging a quote from Thomas Jefferson:

I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away.











U.S. Cities Participating in Program to Eliminate Private Transportation and Dairy, Meat Consumption by 2030 (

I have this vision of a lava flow moving through a forest.  Slowly, but inexorably, consuming everything as it pushes forward.  That’s the image I see of the watermelon progress.  Still think you’re going to protest and vote your way out of this?



Just Living Your Life… Under the Watchful Eyes of the Swamp – Flopping Aces

Things get very much more difficult when you are surveilled 24/7 for wrongthink.  Meanwhile, back at the IRS:

Leo Hohmann: Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns? | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor





Covid and Medicine Related:



HERE WE GO: New Yorkers Told to MASK UP For Labor Day Due to New Covid Variant | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila






I’m torn.  Certainly, people who thought this way early on, I could forgive this.  But, as I asked a medical doctor I know who has awakened but said “How could we have known early on”?, my question was “Then how did I know”?  It wasn’t that the data weren’t there… it was that there was the fear porn, not to mention medical boards and enemedia, suppressing dissent and questioning.  Plus social pressure.  Plus the fact that the Jab made them feel like they mattered.

What I have to say is unprintable – Liberty’s Torch (


The Collaborators Will Kill Us All | Dr Vernon Coleman


NYC Migrants in Temp Shelters Still Don’t Need Vaccinations to Enroll in School (

But US citizens / residents will.  Reading between the lines, one could legitimately infer they want legal residents weakened or dead, to presumably be replaced by these illegals.

Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found ( (link in original):

clever scientific study by Brogna et al., just published, detected the presence of spike protein in COVID-vaccinated people six MONTHS after vaccination – and excluded the possibility of cross-contamination of experimental data with wild-circulating COVID infections.

Let me repeat this.  They detected the presence of spike protein production SIX MONTHS after injection.  Raising the spectre of reverse transcription into DNA.  As I worried.

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

Also see here:




The Jab was pushed very hard in Israel, with many – including my friends and family – complying.  I think in part the uptake was so high because few Jews could envision fellow Jews knowingly doing something this evil to them.  Though on a call to a customer care center in Israel for something I was ordering from there, I was told that resistance and non-compliance was a lot stronger than was reported.  And this Rabbi captures a lot.






They lied.  Myriad lies by myriad liars.  Why do people believe them now?



Bet he’s a blast at parties.  He should go get another booster after taking choline supplements for 4-5 weeks.




More and more I am suspecting this is intentional.




I’ve mentioned Israeli journalist Efrat Fenigson before.  She’s going to a conference on fighting CBDC.



You’re The Voice | by Efrat Fenigson | Substack

She’s anti-CBDC, anti-Jab, and pro-liberty.












Assuming there IS a 2024 election… and assuming it’s fair (hah!)… if Hawaii still votes blue they deserve what they get.  Sorry, not sorry.








Look, I don’t want to pick on the guy specifically.  But as I said before, something strikes me as “not right” here.  So, in his favor:

Ramaswamy: Today’s Politicians Are “Hollowed Out Husks Serving As Puppets” To The Globalist Machine – Summit News

And disfavor:

WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Flip-Flops on One Issue After Another (

Let me be clear on something.  I don’t mind that people change their mind – but cite what changed it.  But then positive again:

Vivek Ramaswamy Pledges To Pardon Julian Assange, Anti-American Publisher of US Secrets (

And negative:

WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Rules Out Use of Military Force Against Iran (

No, I’m not itching for war with Iran.  But without that potential stick to compare against the carrot, there’s no deterrence.

Again, make up your own mind.  But something – again, just MHO – just doesn’t feel right.



Do consider the date on that.  In fairness, people can legitimately change their mind.  In this case, asking him if he’s changed, and why he changed, is fair game!









There Is No Going Back Home – According To Hoyt

RTWT.  But:

And no one can save us from what’s to come, no matter how “presidential” and “calm” he is. Nothing will make the democrats sane again. Not until they are deprogrammed from their cult, and the scales fall from their eyes. Or they die, which given the age of their leadership is not so far distant.

There is no perfect option.  There are no perfect men.  But at least Trump fights.




Memo to GOP Field: Does No One Have the Wit to Attack the Bossy State? | Power Line (

No.  They’re all too busy attending the “beautiful people” cocktail parties and feathering their nests at the taxpayer’s expense.  That’s why they won’t touch the Deep State’s pursuit of Trump with a 39 ½ foot pole.



Ruling Class Mulls Civil War Measures To Bar Trump From 2024 (

Is Trump perfect?  Far from it.  But when so many disparate forces want to find any pretext to keep him from even entering the fray, let alone be on the main ballot, I have to think they’re desperately afraid of him.  Related – FascistTube censoring the fact that Democrats questioned elections too:

YouTube Demonetizes Matt Orfeala’s Entire Channel For Making a Video Proving That Democrats Are Hardcore “Election Deniers” And Have Repeatedly Committed Insurrection – Flopping Aces

This is a good time to plug the Grok’s fundraising drive.  Please help support independent journalism.  Because the enemedia lies.  Lies like rugs they lie.

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next › American Greatness (




Money And The Processes At Work – Liberty’s Torch (

Today’s dollar is approaching complete worthlessness. If we use the price of gold as a measure, the dollar’s purchasing power is less than 2% of what it was in 1944, when the Bretton Woods meetings took place. This correlates well with other, more “relatable” commodities such as food, clothing, and automobiles. If we use single-family houses as the measure, the picture is even worse, though that’s partly because of the deductibility of mortgage interest and property taxes in one’s income tax calculations.

Bustednuckles sees the rampant inflation as a precursor to the “digital dollar,” which is likely to be correct. The masters of the Federal Reserve system are pushing hard for that change, and for the concomitant elimination of physical cash. No one I’ve spoken to is enthused about that, for a variety of reasons I need not repeat here. But whether or not the Federal Reserve manages to impose it on us, it’s likely to come up hard against a vital fact that overshadows everything else about money, currency, and banking:

— Not central bankers nor politicians —
Decide what is (and is not) money.


I remember, dimly, some (African?) nation that “fought” hyperinflation by issuing new currency.  But many people didn’t really turn in their old notes.  As this new currency also started to hyperinflate people went back to the old currency which – though not officially recognized – became the de facto currency by dint of its now-rarity.



I asked my financial advisor what he’s buying.  He said “Canned goods, guns, and ammo”.

Gas prices are soaring toward an all-time Labor Day weekend high | Not the Bee

Germany: Record Amount of Shrinkflation and Deceptive Packaging Helps Hide Inflation From Consumers



The dollar’s going to fall.














IIRC it was over $300 million in “royalty payments” to government officials who work / regulate Big Pharma that those officials didn’t need to disclose.






SHOCKING Body Cam Footage: School Board Calls Police on ‘Unrecognized’ & ‘Trumpish’ Citizens!





Pick of the post:



Another way to put it.  Does a person want to have a discussion or an argument?  In a discussion, you converse to learn what is right, and start out with the principle that there is a possibility you are wrong.  In an argument you each browbeat to prove who is right.

I’m willing to have discussions about what is right.  My claws come out when someone switches to arguing trying to prove they’re right regardless of what facts are.  Especially when they can’t present facts while I can.  (Surak once told me, in an email in which I cited chapter and verse on the Jab and its effects – something we agree on – that he’d hate to get into an argument with me because of my memory on things like this.  It reminds me of an argument I had with someone on gun control and whether it cuts crime.  Heh.  They ran.)




Collected links with commentary, no subjects (too much time in that):


What if the ‘out of Africa’ theory is wrong? | The Spectator Australia (

I don’t want to get into a Creationist vs. Evolutionist argument here.  (For the record I’m the latter.)  Rather, the point is that there needs to be free exchange and debate in a science – and the humility to admit that what’s known might need to be changed as new data come forth.  See my comment about discussions vs. arguments above.

The underlined above is sorely lacking in today’s “climate science”, as one example.

Court Denies School’s Attempt to Give Teachers Qualified Immunity To Escape Accountability With Parents – The Lid (

Like most leftists, they hate free speech and want the authoritarian power to control everything people do.

The leftist school district wanted qualified immunity to act with impunity to ban the free speech of parents and children alike.

In a nutshell (

Spicy time definitely approacheth.  Two embedded quotes:

That’s the discussion we’re having. The people Angelo Codevilla called the American ruling class, the hegemonic academic-political-media hive people, are now casually discussing Trump and Trump voters as a conquered people who have to be dominated and kept out of the system of self-government. Because Trump is a dangerous authoritarian, you see. 

And later (bolding added):

Let’s take the phrase “inexorably threatened” and parse it a bit. Per Merriam-Webster, “inexorable” means “not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped.” What he’s saying — the reason his handlers chose that descriptor — is that there is no longer any need to try to persuade the public of their climate change scam because the “deniers” are individuals who cannot be reasoned with. On a societal level, what does one do with an existential threat that cannot be reasoned with because words are meaningless to it? One goes to war with it.


Remember, I used to be a “climate alarmist” and changed my mind.

Do any of these steps sound familiar in light of what Kerry and others say about “deniers”?



Related to the first part of the above essay:

Poll: 30 Million Democrats Support Extreme Violence to Keep Trump from Winning in 2024 – The Lid (

A university poll finds that Democrats are a danger to the republic, as 30 million of them apparently feel that extreme violence to keep Trump from office in 2024 is justified.

Biggest Drone Attack On Russia Since War Began Destroys At Least 4 Military Planes | ZeroHedge

As the article notes (bolding and links in the original):

Crucially, Pskov is a mere 20 miles from NATO member Estonia’s border, which sparked internet rumors that Estonia could have been involved, also given the city of Pskov is over 400 miles from Ukraine itself. International outlets are citing Russia’s TASS to report that at least four military transport planes were damaged in the attack.

If – and this is IF – Estonia was involved, that’s casus belli from a NATO member.  If the Russians get evidence of NATO involvement in this… things could go sideways.  Fast.  Related:

Tucker: US in Hot War With Russia Within a Year – Summit News

Remember my contention – that the Globalists need to push the world into nuclear war for two reasons:

First, when nukes have flown, nobody’s going to care about bribery or corruption or anything.  Or how much of the world’s wealth they’ve already siphoned off.

Second, again after nukes, the catastrophic effects – direct and following – on populations will mask the coming Jab-pocalypse effect on the population and fertility.  (And any attempts to deliberately block the sun – because “global warming” – will be blamed on “nuclear winter”; it would not surprise me if they had the aerosol-laden rockets filled and ready, waiting for when people are too distracted by other rockets already flying.)

Related to world (in)stability:

The Rude Awakening – Vox Popoli (

Defending Pets (

FYI.  Now this is when the system / society is functioning.  In a SHTF situation, things are likely to be different.  When it’s a looting thug vs. your guard dog?  Related to self defense:

Why I dislike doors with windows. – Gun Free Zone

The Gun Blog Black List: Biden’s Proposed Rule Will Eliminate Private Gun Sales –



Iranian Immigrant Law Student Encounters America’s Own Revolutionary Guard (

The treatment she’s getting – i.e., SHUT UP – reminds me of the treatments refugees from Communist countries get by the blue-check Socialist nitwits.

‘Smart tattoos’ injected into the skin could someday monitor your health | CNN

Just. No.  Remember Yuval and his creeepy obsession with biometric surveillance under your skin.




Monday Music:


Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffett – It’s Five O’ Clock Somewhere (Official HD Video)



RIP Jimmy.  Have a Hurricane in Margaritaville.  (Song chosen before he passed.)




Palate Cleansers:



A thief with honor.




Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.



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