detransitioners Archives - Granite Grok


New Hampshire Bill Would Protect Young People From Modern-Day Lobotomies

NH Senator Kevin Avard filed bill SB304 to create a cause of action for medical injuries resulting from medical gender transition. I submitted the following testimony in support of his bill to the NH Senate Judiciary Committee. It is the personal and tragic account of a young detransitioner from Massachusetts who tweets at

Gender Cult Propaganda in the Nashua Library Children’s Room

The picture book “The Meaning of Pride,” targeted at ages 4 to 7, was prominently displayed in June in the Nashua Library’s children’s room. Six months before, Kristin Beck, who is featured in the book as a “transgender woman,” reclaimed his identity as a man.

Sorry, Neil Wetherbee and Co., You Won’t Drive Me from Derry

In A response to my GraniteGrok article about Elle Gallo’s boast that she removed my billboard message in Derry, New Hampshire, promoting Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” (and my subsequent decision to promote the book from the Derry sidewalk), “Call me J” wrote:

Gender Ideology Ad Trimmed

Transgender Ideology Harms Children

“It’s not an ideology!” was a common response to the Facebook ad for my NH state senate campaign that asserted that “Gender ideology does not belong in schools.”

Alisa Hurwitz

No, Dr. Hurwitz, Signs Don’t Kill Children and Transing Doesn’t Save Them

“This literally kills people,” said the woman who approached me at the Independence Day commemoration on the Amherst, NH village green. I was wearing signs promoting Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Trans Craze Seducing Our Daughters” when she interrupted a discussion I was having with two young men about the dangers of medicalizing gender-confused …

No, Dr. Hurwitz, Signs Don’t Kill Children and Transing Doesn’t Save Them Read More »