Sorry, Neil Wetherbee and Co., You Won’t Drive Me from Derry

In A response to my GraniteGrok article about Elle Gallo’s boast that she removed my billboard message in Derry, New Hampshire, promoting Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” (and my subsequent decision to promote the book from the Derry sidewalk), “Call me J” wrote:

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Elle Gallo

Failed Democrat Candidate Demands I Censor A Grokster Who Wrote About Her – Fat Chance!

It was Stephen Scaer’s post about Elle Gallo that got her “copyright demand panties” in a wad. Once again, we see that yet another “transgender activist” can’t STAND that someone has an opinion that varies from theirs.  Go ahead and read Stephen’s post and then come back. I’ll wait… So now, having read Stephen’s post, … Read more

Elle Gallo

Derry Dem Saves Citizens from Dangerous Book

Elle Gallo, an “open-minded” former Democrat candidate for state representative in Derry New Hampshire, is proud of censoring a billboard message promoting a book about protecting girls from lives of pain and regret.

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