As the Western World drives mindlessly into the fantasy of a false green energy future, shortages are a common topic of discussion—blackouts in the frigid winter, brownouts in the heat of summer. You’d be right to ask.
Trans or Die: The Ideological Blindness of a Dartmouth Health Endocrinologist
The pressure parents face from Dartmouth Health to medically transition their gender-confused children was brought to light in a guest editorial by endocrinologist Francis Lim-Liberty, MD.
The Trans Suicide Myth and Blackmail Politics
“Rates of suicide are as high as 40% in transgender youth,” Dr. Simrun Bal of Dartmouth Health testified at the New Hampshire State House. “Imagine that if there are 100 people in this room, 40 of us would have attempted suicide.”
Gender Bending as Bad Fashion
Finland is a very progressive country. So much so that the government has advanced a rule allowing you to change your legal gender every year.
Legalizing Marijuana Will Destroy the Mental Health of New Hampshire Residents
I testified last week to the New Hampshire House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee on Bill HB639 which would legalize the commercial sale of marijuana and other cannabis products in the state. This is my testimony.
Sorry, Neil Wetherbee and Co., You Won’t Drive Me from Derry
In A response to my GraniteGrok article about Elle Gallo’s boast that she removed my billboard message in Derry, New Hampshire, promoting Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” (and my subsequent decision to promote the book from the Derry sidewalk), “Call me J” wrote:
Derry Dem Saves Citizens from Dangerous Book
Elle Gallo, an “open-minded” former Democrat candidate for state representative in Derry New Hampshire, is proud of censoring a billboard message promoting a book about protecting girls from lives of pain and regret.
Scandinavia isn’t the ‘socialist’ paradise some American politicians claim
Looking at actual Scandinavian tax facts one quickly understands that Scandinavia isn’t the ‘socialist’ paradise some American politicians claim it to be. It does have high taxes on its citizens. And they do tax to an extent Americans are unlikely to tolerate.
Finland Discovers What You Already Knew – Universal Basic Income Doesn’t Work
From January 2017 through December 2018 the Finnish government gave 2000 people a universal basic income. Money for nothing. The theory, as dumb as it sounds, is that if the government provides unemployed people money, they will go find work. When it launched the pilot scheme back in 2017, Finland became the first European country to test out … Read more