Quick Takes - Hat Trick - Granite Grok

Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):


And I am now a regular link contributor to Gates of Vienna.  He has a daily link collection plus good articles.  (And I regularly put Grok articles there… and not just my own!)



fighting over a tv

Zeroeth, prepping-wise, a few articles quick-hit style.  The idea is that you need to start thinking about this… and right quick.

Here it comes: the shortages start to hit home – and so does the backlash





Let Us Be Grateful…

As the world seems on the brink of the abyss, with multiple down-cycles converging, let us be thankful that this is happening.  Wait, put down that torch and/or pitchfork.  I’m serious.  Really.

As a good friend pointed out, TPTB expected Her Heinous the Crone of Chappaqua to sail to an easy victory and, thus, their efforts to work towards the Great Reset could continue slowly… slowly… but a miracle happened.  Trump happened.  Had President Trump not helped resurrect the American spirit – to whatever degree that happened – we’d be much, much further along in this than we are.  And like the proverbial frog in the slowly-heated water, most of society would be blissfully aware.


Instead, we have the forces of globalist evil racing to catch up with whatever schedule they had, and thus erring: we’re now seeing a world-wide awakening to what they’re planning that I believe would not have happened had The Crone been elected in 2016.  Consider this video:


(Other vids exist of her speaking to churches, for example.)

Update: Here she is speaking at a church with more detail:


Less than five years ago I’d have seen these and dismissed them with a “What a f*cking loooooony tune”!  I have heard multiple similar evolutions from many people I know.  Given what we know, e.g., two pieces by me here and here, I’d say she’s a tocsin trying to warn us.

Thanks to the rush on the part of the globalists, more frogs people than ever have felt the heat being cranked up.  And more people are grasping that there really is a neo-aristocracy bend on ruling the remaining 500 million.  (And in parallel, the woke tsunami is also getting pushback.)






So now Russia is siding with China over Taiwan (HT Surak).  And it’s clear that Beijing Biden is kowtowing to Xi with respect to the Chinese drive to retake Taiwan (links in the original):

It is clear Beijing no longer respects America, something especially evident in March when China’s top two diplomats traveled to Anchorage to lecture, in derisive tones, America’s secretary of state and national security advisor.

Moreover, in August, as Afghanistan was failing, Chinese propagandists went on the attack. On August 10, for instance, People’s Daily, China’s most authoritative publication, ran a piece titled “U.S. No Longer Has the Position of Strength for Its Arrogance and Impertinence.”

At that time, Beijing propagated the notion that the U.S. could not hope to counter China because it could not deal with insurgents, the Taliban.

More on America and Taiwan here: Why the US Will Not Defend Taiwan

Now in fairness, Russia has – to my knowledge – no analogous alliances with Taiwan and thus the “practical” path is the one being followed; mainland China is, clearly, the greater power – and this is especially important considering that Russia and China have an lengthy shared border.

But this smacks of the Sudentenland giveaway and the ceding of another country’s sovereign territory to a threatening actor:

Hitler threatened war over the issue of the Sudetenland. On 29 – 30 September 1938 the British, Italian, French and German leaders met in Munich to discuss the issue.

The Allies agreed to concede the Sudetenland to Germany in exchange for a pledge of peace. This agreement was known as the Munich Pact.

How did that, and “peace in our time”, work out?  Either immediately, or after?

In parallel, the Left’s cleavage to the Islamists and President Potato’s near-fellating of the Mullahs to get them back to the table is forcing Israel to seriously consider pre-emptive action:

Israel could be forced to attack Iran due to U.S. “appeasement,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Tuesday while in Jerusalem.

Appearing at the Jerusalem Post Conference, Pompeo was asked if Israel will need to take military action against Iran as a result of Biden administration policies that include seeking a return to the Iran Nuclear Deal.

“The risk of appeasement is you embolden your adversaries that ultimately they put nations in the place where they’re stuck with only one tool – a military tool,” Pompeo said during a Q&A with Post editor-in-chief Yaakov Katz. “This is not in the best interests of anyone.

And vis a vis the Fakestinians, again recall the Sudentenland: The “occupied” territories are lands that Israel captured in a defensive war – and thus, per international law, are theirs.  Note that Israel gave Egypt back the Sinai, land that was taken in that war.  Yet President Potato, under the spell of the pro-Islamists, is putting enormous pressure on Israel, e.g., here:

US President Joe Biden and his administration already started a new policy towards Israel: pressure on Israel to stop any building and any new settlements in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, re-establish a Palestinian consulate in East Jerusalem which means canceling the American recognition of one united Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel. The meaning of this and other planned decisions of President Joe Biden is the canceling of all pro-Israel actions of former President Donald Trump and the establishment of a so-called “Palestinian” state in the most biblical areas of Judea and Samaria.

The world, as I have observed many times, is stacked with piles of dry tinder.  They’re all connected, and people are playing with matches and accelerants.  When – not if – when one goes, multiple others will too.  And with the global reach of weapons these days, sleeper cells doubtless riddling most western countries, replacement migration creating swaths of enemy territory in America and Western Europe, and on and on and on… the Great Cycle looks to click forward.



(Got preps?)





I am a non-smoker.  The health, let alone financial, benefits of not smoking are quite clear.  The same for that… that… that thing called “good diet and exercise”.  Shudder.  ?  Yet, I need no prompting to do so (I’ve actually lost about 35 pounds).  But that’s not what the Left does.  They are the Anointed Intellects you see.  Better, smarter, more noble, and certainly more educated – just ask them, they’ll tell you.  And it’s been their desire to nudge you in the direction they think is good for you.

So consider this little tidbit; FDA announces plan to tamp down sodium consumption in U.S. diets:

“A cornerstone of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s public health mission is to reduce the burden of chronic disease through improved nutrition. As a nation, we are facing a growing epidemic of preventable, diet-related conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity, and the agency’s work in this area has become even more urgent.

Ironically, it was the government’s involvement in diet that caused so much of our obesity problem:



But wait, there’s more.  From the same article (bolding added):

“Limiting certain nutrients, such as sodium, in our diets plays a crucial role in preventing diseases like hypertension and cardiovascular disease that disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minority groups; these diseases often result in hundreds of thousands of lives lost and billions in annual health care costs.

Do you really think they’ll stop at salt?  When your wrongthink and bad habits cost the government money?

They’ve set the precedent with, for example, Bloomberg going after Big Gulps because of too much sugar.  And in finding that link, another – with a frightening implication to the idea of a “morality pill” to shape ethics (link and italics in original):

As Vanessa Rampton noted in Slate, ethicists of various camps don’t necessarily agree on what the right course of action is during difficult dilemmas. Furthermore, studies have shown that various proposed moral enhancement drugs can shift normal volunteers’ choices in hypothetical ethical “trolley problems” in either direction. What counts as the “right” direction depends on one’s school of ethics. What one ethicist might consider a morality “enhancer” another might deem a morality destroyer.

Rampton also notes: “Implicit in the idea is that some elite group — whether neuroscientists, corporate executives, or policymakers — would claim to know some moral truth and then issue rules for the unenlightened to follow.”

We’re already being hectored to eat less meat because gloooooobal waaaaaaarming, if not go outright vegetarian – not to mention having fewer kids.  The lack of sleep, so common in our 24-7-365 society, has oft-been discussed, and its dangers highlighted.  Never mind our couch-potato society where far too many of us are not sufficiently physically active (guilty).

The list of possibilities for those innumerable moral busybodies to torment us is metastasizing in size and breadth.


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


So when The State cannot “nudge” people – as discussed by movers and shakers for years and years – into rightthink and rightbehavior, then what?  Compulsion.  Force.

Let me be clear.  I need to lose another 15-20 pounds and be more physically active.  No doubt.  But a state that can compel you and control your diet, and potentially monitor your hours of sleep and amount of exercise you get, should terrify.

There can be no freedom without the right to say NO, I will decide for myself.  Kind of like this whole Covidian Jab thing.




