
If It Quacks Like a Duck

Just from personal observations, this issue somehow has more legs than a caterpillar and continues to steamroll our society while its hyped-up humanitarian excuse masks its inherent depravity.

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Vaccine covid 19 vials

Depopulation Speculations

This started out as an entry in a meme post, but it got long enough – and a truly serious enough topic with a lot to discuss – that IMHO it’s worth making a standalone post.  But first, please do recall my four essays on depopulation:

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doll parts Image by Lars Eriksson from Pixabay

The Nature of the Transhumanist Ideology

The 1900s have seen great developments in the field of adolescent psychology, a course that is almost mandatory for anyone working in the education field in this day and age. Titans of pedagogy like Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lev Vygotsky, and John Bowlby have pushed forward our understanding of the child’s mind as … Read more

Thought Splinters (Part I)

In my essay The Right to Disagree at Urban Scoop I’d re-coined (having used it on my old blog) the term “Thought Splinters” which I define as short memes or questions (e.g., in a discussion) that – if they have an effect – are not meant to immediately convince someone of something, but rather be nagging little things that sooner or later fester intellectually and, hopefully, require addressing by conscious thought and research.

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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