Karen and the NH Covidiots Casedemic Band Plays Tune Most Of Us Could Ignore

The math is the thing. Test more people, find more cases, but does that mean anything? Not really. Not to the majority of productive working-age people in New Hampshire. Nor is it a concern to the majority of consumers. But Karen wants what Karen wants.

Related: Wuhan Study Shows No Evidence of Asymptomatic Spread of COVID19

So we’re forced to take the numbers game and use it against them. Every day. And we’ve got over 8 months of their data that says, if you are under 70, you have from very little to nothing to fear from SARS CoV2, also know as COVID19.

Today’s update comes courtesy, as always, of the State’s own Daily Case Summary from the State’s COVID Dashboard, and its simple math.

Cases matter so much but mean so little, so we prove it. We take total cases for each age group reported by the state and calculate percentages for the number of COVID19 reported hospitalizations and deaths and the survival rate for folks in those age groups who test positive for COVID19.

Cases matter if you are over 70, but not so much for anyone else, though that’s not the point of this exercise. The point is that having this information in hand, you should be free to decide what it means to you, but state and local politicians have taken that right away, clearly for no reason other than to exercise powers they should not have.

Here is today’s COVID19 Threat Index based on the NH 12-20-20 Case Summary Report.

NH COVID 12-20 -20 Survival Rate

As a reminder, those over 70 always need to be careful during any flu season, and COVID19 has not been kind. You need to decide for yourselves with family, and your doctor or care provider, what is best for you, as does anyone with respiratory issues or other high-risk comorbidities.

But you should not have to give up your business, job, liberties, friends, Holidays, or anything else – quarantine or wear a mask (unless you want to do that) if you decide the risk is acceptable.

You should be free to choose based on an honest presentation of the risk and your tolerance for it.


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