NH Casedemic Data Continues to Demonstrate How Little of a Threat COVID19 is to Most Granite Staters

I’m sure the press you’ve read is that we had one of our worst days ever for COVID19 deaths in the state of NH. It’s always sad and tragic to lose a loved one. But based on the State’s COVID19 case summary for Dec 19th if you are under 70 you still have very little to fear and should be free to determine your own tolerance based on an honest understanding of risk.

Related: One More Time for the Cheap Seats, We Didn’t Murder Grandma, You Did.

We’re not telling you there is zero risk, there’s no such thing. We’re telling you the media and the state are hiding the truth about the real risk. That the actual numbers that matter could better inform your understanding of your own tolerance for both this flu and what we’ve characterized as the oppressive and unnecessary (if not unconstitutional) political response.

We’ve saved the 12-19-2020 state report locally, as we always do, so you can compare their data to our reporting.

NH COVID 12-19-20 Survival Rate


As a reminder, those over 70 always need to be careful during any flu season, and COVID19 has not been kind. You need to decide for yourselves with family, and your doctor or care provider, what is best for you, as does anyone with respiratory issues or other high-risk comorbidities.

But you should not have to give up your business, job, liberties, friends, Holidays, or anything else – quarantine or wear a mask (unless you want to do that) if you decide the risk is acceptable.

You should be free to choose based on an honest presentation of the risk and your tolerance for it.

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