Mike Moffet At Redskins game

Is Woke Broke? Commanders Agree to Un-Cancel Redskins Logo

George Floyd overdosed and then died in police custody. Black Lives Matter rose from obscurity to lead a revolution (burning down black businesses and extorting money), and weak-kneed concerns, from insurance to sports teams to pancakes, rice, and dairy products, cleansed their brands of anything “brown person.” These casualties included the Mutual of Omaha Chief, … Read more

100 Years of Being Treated Like George Floyd, For What?

One thing that did not get defunded after the George Floyd/BLM Summer of Love was cop shows. There is no shortage of police or detective dramas extolling the intellectual agility of some quirky investigator with a physical or social disability. Or a team of racially and sexually diverse members who adroitly unravel complex conspiracies ripe … Read more

BLM Portland Arson Riots Protests YouTube Screen Grab

Don’t You Dare Call Them Isurrectionists

A few nights ago, a violent pro-Hamas mob attempted to storm the Whitehouse. But they are not insurrectionists, and let me explain why. The United States of America is now the Apartheid State of America. There are different rules.

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BLM Portland Arson Riots Protests YouTube Screen Grab

Night Cap: Are We In For Another Summer of Love

The Summer of Love in 2020 grew out of the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the elevation of Black Lives Matter. Protests, violence, and destruction filled the evening news. Some of our bigger cities were taken over and destroyed by gangs in the name of ending Racism and violence towards Blacks. It was violence to solve violence, and it was anything but a love fest. It was ugly and an embarrassment for America.

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Soldiers helicopter

The Good Insurrection

Remember the “summer of love”? When the System unleashed Antifa/BLM riots and violence across America in an attempt to goad Trump into deploying the military to assist their “Trump is Authoritarian” narrative? Do you remember when Antifa/BLM domestic terrorists stormed the White House night after night in May?

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China, Women’s Rights, and the #MeToo Cabal

Right after the George Floyd protests, Alexander Prout posted a Tweet with a letter demanding reparations for black students at St, Paul’s School. He asked people to sign the letter. An alum posted under it that it was tied to China.

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