Recent studies have shown original concerns regarding the coronavirus were way overblown, and that the mortality rate is equivalent to the seasonal flu. But the Governor continues to ignore factual data based on reputable studies and instead double down by continuing to make irrational, emotional decisions based on models that were wildly wrong and thoroughly debunked here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. I could go on and on…
It’s time to open NH back up for business and normal living, and the ReopenNH organization brought that message to Concord by delivering nearly 5,500 individually signed petitions to the statehouse for the Governor. The organization then held a rally that attracted more people than their rally two weeks ago on April 18.
The weather was excellent and people packed more than half the block to peacefully listen to speakers and express their frustrations and anger at the Governor for his unconstitutional actions to abolish the Constitution and remove individual liberty and freedom to shut down the state.
Former State Rep and Chairman of OpenNH Andrew Manuse gave a speech…
The Granite Grok’s Editor Steve Mac Donald was there again…
Along with many others Groksters and Granite Staters who brought their signs to send their own message…
Let your voice be heard too.
Tell the Governor you’ve had enough and sign the petition to open NH.
H/T: Andrew Manuse, JR Hoell