Announcing Education Options Inc. and Our First Expo!

We are kicking off a new effort to provide information, support, and connections to families who want to explore education options outside of the traditional public school. Our main population is conservative families who are not happy with public schools but who aren’t aware of all their options. Our non-profit organization and website have just … Read more

mental health anxiety pshchitzophrenia

Banfield: Teaching Violence Begins In Public Schools

Everyone keeps looking around wondering how someone can resort to violence in this political culture. Look no further than your local public schools. You may wonder how that can be since schools are focusing on nurturing a child’s social and emotional well being. You’d be lying to yourself. Public schools are breeding activism, and if … Read more

Lara Logan Breaking our will Matt

Citizens MUST Be Reminded of This Truth

by Skip

One of the reasons why our Education System is so pathetic is that our children are not being correctly taught our own American history and philosophy. Then they grow up listening and believing whatever the manipulators behind pop culture are seeding throughout our citizens and young ones.

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Young girl heart inhand

Also Our Hearts

It’s a foregone conclusion that young minds are being successfully bombarded by any tidbit of crap which will decimate America, but it’s more than our minds; it’s our hearts that these evil-doers have also targeted. For me, the term “heart” generalizes what actually takes in a person’s inner drives, ambitions, attitudes, and motivations—essentially, one’s being. … Read more

NH Dept of Education logo

Crime and [No] Punishment

Recently, I was having a conversation in which I had occasion to bring up RSA 193-H:2, which says:

Schools shall ensure that all pupils are performing at the proficient level or above on the statewide assessment as established in RSA 193-C.

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The Feudal Model of State-funded Education

I recently attended Ian Underwood’s presentation titled “Back to Schools” at the Sullivan County GOP Committee meeting, during which he argued coherently and consistently for separating the concerns of what to include in government-funded schools and what to exclude.

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Context is… Nothing.

The current in-vogue spin-room phrase is “context is everything.”  That phrase is used to provide an excuse for every unethical action, from teachers who are caught reading pornography to grade-school children, to politicians who vote to support “gender-affirming” surgery without their parent’s permission or knowledge.

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Unfit For Liberty (Part 3, Courts)

For the last several months, many of us have been waiting on pins and needles for a judge to tell us what the state constitution says about education, which is remarkable because it’s not like that constitution is written using particularly difficult language.

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Scales of justice gavel law court

Uniform Nonsense

I just finished listening to a webinar by the School Funding Fairness Project. Their whole approach to ‘funding’ (which focuses on fairness in spending while totally ignoring fairness in education) is based on two misconceptions.

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