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Handouts are Addictive

What’s to be done? Parents are distraught, school district budgets and property taxes are skyrocketing, and there’s bullying and declining academic outcomes in public schools. State legislators shrug their shoulders. They don’t know what to do. Most of them don’t even think they’re responsible for the mess. It “just happened.” But the problem is “so … Read more

Maine House Censures Laurel Libby

Maine has not lost its way. Maine has lost its collective mind. I am speaking of the Democrats in Maine, but they are the ruling party today, and it was the voters of Maine that gave them the power to manipulate and control the state. Unless you reside under a rock, you must know how … Read more

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Subsidies For All!

So, Governor Ayotte is moving us down the road towards universal eligibility for Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs).  Awesome! Now what will she do to move us towards universal eligibility for food stamps, and heating oil subsidies, and housing assistance? While I don’t need any of those subsidies, I would certainly like to have them.  And … Read more

Property Tax – A Tax on Money One MIGHT Receive

I’m sure you’ve all thought about property tax, especially when it comes time to pay them. But have you ever considered how they work? Aside from the fact that NH schools are funded by them – and you’d think that property taxes were the only funding, but they’re not. The Concord school system receives approximately … Read more

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Transitioning (from Schools to Education)

I was recently asked:  How would you go about eliminating public schools? I think we would eliminate public schools in the same way that we would eliminate public oil refineries, and public farms and ranches, and public grocery stores, and… Oh, wait, we don’t have those, do we? We don’t have those, because we have … Read more

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Derry’s Superintendent Mistake?

Last year several parents, including myself, began warning school administrators about a child sexual predator attending the high school girl’s soccer games. Several parents went to work to not only warn administrators, but to address the court system that allowed Marc Jacques to roam freely at these soccer games. FROM THE U.S. ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Marc … Read more

Enhancing Student Performance and Tackling Educational Issues

Zoie Saunders serves as Vermont’s Secretary of Education, appointed by Governor Phil Scott. Before this role, she was the Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer for Broward County Public Schools in Florida. Saunders has a background in educational leadership, having worked with Charter Schools USA as well. Her appointment in Vermont was relatively contentious, initially rejected … Read more

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Why Does Math Proficiency In New Hampshire Schools Suck?

Send this to your school board and Superintendent. When you look at your school’s proficiency scores in math, you might be surprised that many students have not reached proficiency in mathematics. This might help them figure out where the problems exist. 1)Find your school’s proficiency scores HERE: https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/division-of-educator-and-analytic-resources/iplatform2) Scroll down and click on IReport3) Scroll … Read more

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The Social and Emotional Psychological Profile on Students

Social and Emotional Learning has come under fire since it first began showing up in schools. SEL was going to be used as part of a behavior framework known as the Multi Tiered System of Support. The MTSS-B is a 3-tiered framework that guides schools on how to handle behavior or mental health problems with … Read more

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Why Education On The Whole is Broken

Vindaloo Bugaboo (VB) and I join forces against the array of squishies, socialists, and environmentalists at Carbon Upfront. What we haven’t succeeded in doing is instructing them that they can mandate anything they want when it comes to how people are to live but that they will receive a lot of pushback – by politics … Read more

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It Is Okay to Abolish the Department of Education

A Federal Government Publication Affirms That Education is “A matter reserved for the states” About ten years ago, I stopped in a library in Medfield, Massachusetts, a town about 40 miles West and South of Boston.  At its book sale, I found “Formation of the Union Under the Constitution” in 1943 which was published to … Read more

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Dan McGuire’s Adequate Education Legislation HB283

Dan McGuire’s Bill, that narrows down what an adequate education is in New Hampshire, has everyone in a tizzy. HB283 would reduce the list of subjects that define what an adequate education. You can see how an adequate education would be defined if this bill were to pass, and be signed into law. The state would … Read more

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Why More Money Doesn’t Equal Better Schools

From local elections to legislative debates to legal challenges, discussion of public education in New Hampshire has been dominated by two persistent myths.  The first is that more spending is the primary means of producing better educational outcomes.  The second is that our educational outcomes are stunted because funding for K-12 public schools has “been slashed,” as … Read more

Dartmouth College Original Photo by Wei Zeng on Unsplash

Messing With White Tower Politics

Or, at least the taxpayer funding of them Colleges and universities, with few exceptions, are Marxist education camps run by credentialed commies. Big Government, the deep state, and nearly every federal department, in addition to USAID, pump money into them—obscene, absurd sums of your taxdollars. Some portion of this stimulates practical, productive science. Still, if … Read more

Zachary McLaughlin

Portsmouth Superintendent Threatens to Eliminate Teachers

It’s become the norm for Superintendents to eliminate teachers if they do not get the budget they want. This time the Portsmouth Superintendent is threatening to eliminate teaching positions if he doesn’t get the increase in the school budget. Why is it, they never take that hammer to their own salaries? Most SAU administrators working … Read more

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A Deep Dive into NH’s Claremont Decision Part II

Paul Ingbretson continues the Claremont Decision discussion with Senate Counsel Attorney Rick Lehmann, who also practices law in New Hampshire. He’s been involved with the Court filing amicus briefs on behalf of the Senate. ln this podcast Rick lays out some of the separation of powers issues resulting from those decisions. If you missed Part … Read more

Do Public School Students Have a Right to Decline COVID-19 Vaccines?

News reports are punctuated regularly by echoes from the great COVID-19 pandemic: monkeypox is on the rise; bird flu is in cows … or humans … or Canadian swine. The COVID-19 panic that disrupted the global economy is in the rearview mirror, but the prospect of another pandemic raises important questions about civil rights. A … Read more

Shut Down the US Department of Education? Rep. Thomas Massie has a Bill to Do That.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced a bill on Friday that would implement the repeatedly expressed desire of President Donald Trump to shut down the United States Department of Education. Shutting down the Department of Education and moving education decisions out of the control of the US government were actions Trump proposed on multiple occasions through his presidential … Read more

Greg Sorg

A Deep Dive into NH’s Claremont Decision

In part one of this podcast series, attorney Greg Sorg is a former NH State Representative who has successfully filed briefs with the Supreme Court arguing against continuing involvement of the court in legislative functions. He lays out the history and key points of the Claremont Decision. I want to thank Paul Ingbretson for making … Read more

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