On Anti-Gun Zombies And Purposeful Ignorance

“One cannot legislate the maniacs off the street… these maniacs can only be shut down by an armed citizenry. Indeed bad things can happen in nations where the citizenry is armed, but not as bad as those which seem to be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this country at this time.” —Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, Firearms Instructor, Writer, Patriot

A Flaming Liberal recently posited this to my friend and colleague Steve Mac Donald:

“So tell me, Steve — do we need “open carry” to defend ourselves? Do we need machine guns to defend ourselves? Do we need clips that allow pumping out 100 bullets in a minute to defend ourselves? Do Legislators need to be armed in the State House? Is there no limit to any of it?”

I always love questions such as this. Picture a croissant-eating vegan

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Granite Grok’s Top Twenty Posts For 2012

Granite Grok's TopTwenty most commented on posts for 2012Hot Air does this every year, so I figured I’d give it a shot.  It is a compilation of the posts that got the most comments in 2012.  That’s right, this is comment based.

And I can tell you, since I have a few posts on this list, that how well you write, or how clever you are, is not nearly as important as hitting the right note at just the right time.  That or some much more interesting tangents pop up in comments and then take on a life of their own.

However they got there, here are the twenty most commented on Grok posts of 2012 whether the comments are related to the post or not!

20.) So, gay activists, where do you think this will end up? We’ve all asked the question…if two men getting married is a right, why not three?  Skip provides a cartoon and some comments, and attracts all the right kind of attention for his effort.

19.) Oh, so THAT’s what they look like! Susan Olsen shares with us the ‘Journalists Guide to Firearms identification. Proof that a picture is worth a thousand words, or at least a bunch of comments.

18.) Meet Another State Employee Wasting Taxpayer Time Online Dick de Seve wasn’t the only state employee with way too much free time on their hands, and open access to the Internet.  In this post we meet Gaia, who made deSeve look like an armature.

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It was only a matter of time for the low-lifes to show up….

SOMEBODY has to be responsible, right?  NY Daily News:

A lawyer who’s asking to sue Connecticut for $100 million on behalf of a 6-year-old Newtown school shooting survivor who heard violence over the school’s intercom system says the potential claim is about improving school security, not money.

It’s about living in a world that’s safe,” New Haven attorney Irving Pinsky told The Associated Press on Saturday. “The answer is about protecting the kids.”

…The child heard “conversations, gunfire and screaming” over Sandy Hook’s intercom after someone in the office apparently switched on the system, according to the claim. Pinsky said Saturday he didn’t know whether his client saw anyone die.

The state Board of Education, Department of Education and state education commissioner failed to protect the child “from foreseeable harm,” including by failing to provide a safe school setting, the filing said.

And this is the problem with both our legal system AND in the fantasy land that Progressives and Liberals live in – note to the not-able-to-think-things-thru clueless “thinkers” and Utopians, there is not such thing that exists that is “living in a world that’s safe“.  Never has been in history and never will be either. However, in this modern world where so many are truly disconnected of the reality of real life when the veneer of civilization is removed (re: look at how tough life really is for those in third world countries without our “advanced accommodations”).  There is true evil in the world that no planning and no drilling can account for.  What we saw in Connecticut was that true evil in full view – yet the Progressives wish to either pass over that gruesome fact at best and ignore it at worst.  After all, we can’t have a Utopia without “progressed” people (either on their own or “nudged” (usually by force) into it by Government) can we, and EVIL people just so screw up that narrative of what is possible.  Thus, the anger over guns – which services two purposes – hides the fact that the Progressive Utopia can never be achieved (and is unable to sustain it self to boot) and serves to disarm folks (making it harder for opposition to react and oppose such a forced march to Utopianville).

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Runs like a Deere….no thanks to a sniveling Lowe’s

I still miss the ole’ Suburban.  What’s not to like about a land yacht that had a really nice comfy bench seat in the front where TMEW would sit right next to me, a long wheel base to smooth out the bumps, 4wd to take care of the ravine that one must pass to get to Murphy Manse (a H/T to DCE from Weekend Pundit calls his home), and was plenty big to haul all the stuff that our daycare center needed (at the time).  Plus it was always great to move snow with its plow as I stayed warm in the cab, listening to conservative talk radio and a Mtn Dew in the cup holder.

No matter who you looked at it, it was a vehicle that stuck a stick in Liberal and Enviro’s eyeballs.  Why do I say that?  Remember, they were complaining that NO ONE needed such a large SUV – they hated the idea of big “wasteful” cars that only single folks rode in – a CRIME against not only GAIA but also a crime against all those other folks “less fortunate” to only drive dinky cars.  Yes folks, the “gun on four wheels” of its day.  But, thanks to Socialist Enviro Lisa Jackson (about to be former EPA head) and Secretary of Transportation “Republican” Ray LaHood

Sidenote: you know, I did a post about NH GOP Greg Carson who all but has claimed that ANY person with an R next to their name was a GOOD Republican, as it helped the Party to gain Party; I need to return to the next installment of that thought process – after all, LaHood DOES have great power as Obama’s DOT Secretary – how’s THAT working out for us Liberty loving Republicans, eh Greg?  Especially as you are the point person for the Federal push, via the EPA, HUD (your department), and DOT to Federalize local New Hampshire communities’s zoning laws with the ill-named and worse intended result than the “Sustainable Communities Initiative”.

they’ve pretty much decided that Americans (if they can afford the newer regulation laden results) will only be able to drive tin cans that will be hard pressed to carry a grocery bag for cargo because of a doubling of the CAFE standards.  SURE, it’s gonna save us money in the long run – when have we heard THAT promise before (like with compact flourescent bulbs that have turned out to be a bust?).  But I digress.

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The Armed Citizen And Lying Gun Grabbers

”A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”—George Washington

Tiresome are liberals lying and telling people that if they arm themselves, then the criminal is only going to take away the gun and use it on them. Those who perpetuate that, ignore what happens everyday in this nation. The events below are true events that involve real people. Law abiding people going about the business of their daily lives until the point where some criminal interrupts them, threatening harm.

These events are reported at local levels (mostly Newsprint media) and rarely visited beyond that because they

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Send a Wanker home for Christmas – Part III

Grokster Tom put up Send a Wanker home for Christmas in reaction to CNN’s Brit celebrity talking head, Piers Morgan, constant hoplaphobic yakking about how some US Citizens “over value” the words of the Second Amendment and seems to be in total agreement with Obama’s phrase concerning bitter clingers and their guns and Bibles.  Then some folks decided to take advantage of the White House new petition feature and ask that Piers Morgan be deported for being a threat to the US Constitution!

Well, I guess the Wanker has his nose out of joint – we may get our wish all by his lonesome

The concerted effort to get me thrown out of the country – which has so far gathered more than 90,000 signatures – struck me as rather ironic, given that by expressing my opinion I was merely exercising my rights, as a legal US resident, under the 1st Amendment, which protects free speech.

He shows an astonishing lack of knowledge about the First, even if he is a legal US resident; you may say what you want – that doesn’t mean that we have to treat you like a Queen – just sit there, nod our heads, and quietly titter “oh, how British of him”.  He comes from the land of a noisy, loud, and raucous Parliament.  He expects us to act otherwise?

But no matter.

This gun debate is an ongoing war of verbal attrition in America – and I’m just the latest target, the advantage to the gun lobbyists being that I’m British, a breed of human being who burned down the White House in 1814 and had to be forcefully deported en masse, as no American will ever be allowed to forget – Special Relationship notwithstanding.

Don’t worry about that “Special Relationship”- Obama has made it clear that the official (albeit not necessarily non-public, but just watching his actions) stance on that is about the same as the truthfulness and veracity as that quaint notion of American Exceptionalism.

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Yet another Promise whose expiration date has come due?

It is a object of faith that almost every promise that Obama, that most statements he makes about actions to be taken, often have future expiration dates – that which was forcefully stated is undone by later statements, political hedging, turn out to just be what needed to be said to get elected, or  by … Read more

“I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed…”

An Open letter from Marine Cpl Joshua Boston to US Senator Diane Feinstein.

Senator Dianne Feinstein,

I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.

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Rumors- Ralph Wilson Jr. Sold Buffalo Bills to Avoid Taxes

From Facebook. (Rumors…) A conglomeration including Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, and, very likely, Donald Trump and Bob Rich have purchased the Buffalo Bills from Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. for an unknown sum, probably in the $800Million to $1Billion range. Wilson is said to have sold based on the expectation that both estate taxes and capital … Read more

The Nashua Telegraph Has An Integrity Deficit

“There is hardly any mental misery worse than that of having our own serious phrases, our own rooted beliefs, caricatured by a charlatan or a hireling.” —George Eliot

Two days ago, the Nashua Telegraph wrote an Editorial asking, “Why does the NRA fear truth about guns?” Upon carefully reading the article and researching the sources (or lack thereof) to support the claims made by the Telegraph, the rank laziness, partisan advocacy of gun control, and an utter lack of integrity emerged in the Telegraph anti-second amendment article.

The telegraph wrote:

“Faced with government-funded research that contradicts

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Fiscal Cliff Deal? A classic case of the Left embiggining Government


  • Current tax rates would be permanently extended for singles making $400,000 or below, and permanently extended for couples making $450,000 or below
  • For singles, capital gains and dividends of $400,000 or below would be permanently taxed at 15 percent; capital gains and dividends above $400,000 would be permanently taxed at 20 percent
  • For couples, capital gains and dividends of $450,000 or below would be permanently taxed at 15 percent; capital gains and dividends above $450,000 would be taxed at 20 percent
  • The Alternative Minimum Tax would be permanently patched
  • Estates over $5 million would be taxed at 40 percent, and that tax rate would be permanently extended

Nothing on spending cuts (like, I’m surprised??)


Or “Running out the clock always results in running out with somebody else’s wallet.”

The Corner is reporting that the AP is writing that a deal has been struck:

  • We shall punish the hardworking and successful:

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PUC Approves PSNH Rate Increase – Observe the Democrat’s Circular Green Firing Squad!

Winds of ChangeBack in September PSNH announced that it would need to rasie rates to deal with about 67 million dollars a year in costs associated with RGGI (and other state energy mandates)- a tax (RGGI) that Maggie Hassan was proud of, if you’ve forgotten.   (Grokster Tom also has a nice treatment of those same stories here.)

At the time of that announcement the estimated annual hike on rate payers was about $50.00 per year, more for commercial users obviously.  But the rate increase just approved by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC) will cost you a good deal more than that.  Make that a great deal more!

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Contact Info for Employees at the Journal-News (They Published Gun Owners Addresses)

call now

Because turnabout is always fair play, a blogger went and dug up the names and addresses (phone numbers and other contact info) of the folks at the Journal-News.   The Journal-News thought it would be fun to release all the names and addresses (with interactive map) of registered gun owners in New York’s Westchester and Rockland Counties, and this is just more “public information,” right?  It is all just sitting out there or on the internet.  But I have wonder if that was the response the employees of the Journal-News were expecting?

I know, you’d think that educated journalists with the tech skills at hand to take a large list and generate an interactive map would consider the possibility that someone else might not a) appreciate their hard work and b) return the favor…

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Your childrens’ future…

H/T John Hinderacker and Michael Ramirez…emphasis mine. “If there is one thing we know for sure about the federal government, it is that it spends way too much money–around $3.54 trillion in FY 2012, with a $1.1 trillion deficit. You would think that the man who presides over this mess, Barack Obama, would have the … Read more

Kids say the darndest things…

Friend of mine told me she was eating breakfast with her 13-year-old granddaughter and asked her, “What day is the 20th of February?” Granddaughter said “It’s President’s Day!” (She’s a smart kid.) So my friend asks “What does President’s Day mean?” and she was waiting for something about Washington or Lincoln… etc. Granddaughter replied, “President’s … Read more

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