Obama Finally Builds Bi-Partisan Coalition!!!

I may be jumping the gun here, but I believe that Mr. Obama will achieve that which he has been calling for for years. Democrats and Republicans will come together today to form a bi-partisan coalition…

NH Dems Endorse Obama Tax Increase

As reported in the Union Leader Ray Buckley and the State Democrat party would like people to call members of congress and encourage them to support Mr. Obama’s tax on investors and job creators so Democrats can fund public sector union jobs and keep the dues-donations rolling in.  They also support the push to defer millions in social security revenues on to the shoulders of our children, though Buckley words it differently.

The plan would cut the payroll tax that 30,000 New Hampshire small businesses pay, provide tax relief for families, funding for police, firefighters and teachers, school building improvements and transportation projects in the state.

This entire effort is another organized scam to fund unions and Democrat campaigns, in the run up to November 2012, at taxpayer expense.  The payroll tax cut is a useless gesture, not a cut but a deferment, so what we have is more of the same catastrophic economic policy that has kept us in a recession and on the brink of collapse for three years now.

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Bill Blocked By Dem Senators Beholden to Big Oil and The Rich

Job creation at it’s Democrat best. Millions of unemployment recipients created or saved? Look its another Obama Conga Line! (pictured above). Practice for liberal price controls with hours long waits for gas and food?

Obama’s “Bride Of Stimulus” Speech

I wasn’t going to bother, but when you have a title like “Bride of Stimulus” you have to run with it. And that is exactly what that speech was. To quote every democrat’s greasy palm card from 2007/2008, what we have here is…”the same old failed polices of the past.” Or what I referred to on twitter as “same old whore new dress.”

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