The Myopic Lament Of Cut Budgets

Rick Olson

?Contemporarily, governments all over America, be they national, state, local or municipal, have come to recognize that spending is outpacing revenue. The 2010 elections were a message that we as a nation need to become more fiscally responsible and stop spending ourselves into bankruptcy. Consequently, budgets are being slashed, expenses trimmed and austere measures are being applied.

 And as expected there is a push back to not make such cuts. “Draconion…Incompassionate….theft” all are words used by those who refuse to detox from the heroine-like addiction  to public money.  But no matter what pejorative term such liberal big spenders choose when addressing budget cuts, few ever talk about the, “why” of budgets cuts other than to say the party in power does not care and lacks compassion. The common thread here is the same as it ever is: “Don’t cut my budget, cut someone else’s.”  

 And the band plays on.  Yesterday Manchester Community Health Center’s President and CEO Edward G. George laments in the Union Leader that, Budget cuts would do real harm to Manchester’s Needy
. Mr. George goes on to detail why no cuts should be made that might result in less funding for his organization. Mr. George talks about the demographic of who his agency serves, but very little about exactly “what” they do.  Most would agree that providing some health service to the poor and needy is not only noble but a good thing to do. But Mr. George never once recognizes or acknowledges where the money came from in the first place, nor does he acknowledge that spending in general has gotten out of control.

Edward George is just yet another social whiner in the sea of many who carp and moan about implementation of austere measures for budgets. His is nothing more than the age-old myopic lament. Do I sound like I have no compassion? Some will probably say that. But I can’t think about that right now. I have more important things to think about like where I am going to come up with the funds to pay for the rather expensive dental work I desperately need…one of those items insurance will not cover?  But I’ll be damned if I will quietly watch my property taxes go up to pay for others, causing me to have less disposable income, making it harder for me to pay for that which insurance does not cover. 



  • Rick Olson

    Rick Olson is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a BA in Social Science. Rick subsequently attended Massachusetts School of Law in Andover MA. Rick takes up second amendment issues on Granite Grok, as well as issues surrounding hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife issues. Rick Olson is a former Police Officer and Deputy Sheriff. He is Past President of the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation, President of the Londonderry Fish & Game Club  Rick is a nationally certified firearms instructor and a Hunter Education Instructor. He can frequently be found teaching Urban Rifle and Defensive Pistol classes as an Instructor with Defensive Strategies in Goffstown, NH.  Rick resides in Manchester with his wife Lisa. He has four children and ten Grandchildren.

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