Four Years All For Naught?

ABC news has it here.  A quote from Carol Shea "Che" "SEIU" Porter.

“I have listened to people on television say things like, ‘Well, everybody’s on the take in Washington,’ as if that’s a given fact.  And I think it just makes people more cynical about the whole process,”  Shea-Porter said.  “That’s not true.  That’s not true at all.”

 Really Carol?

“It’s been just awful watching this over the past four years. I think it’s strangling us. I think that when the American public feels cynical about that, they’re right. The special interests — you see them — they’re in the halls of Congress everywhere. We need to clean Washington up. We desperately need to clean them out.

I have just three thoughts to share for the moment (out of dozens); Carol had four years in a democrat majority congress–which promised to clean up the swamp, two of them with a democrat president, and I do not see any attempt by her party or by Carol herself (she is defined legislatively as a follower not a leader) to address this or anything else outside the big blue box of liberal progressive agenda items.

The second thought?  Carol is in hock to unions, and unions are a special interest. Her party spent the past two years dumping billions of our dollars into their hands to help elect their majority and advance their agenda–which as noted above was not remotely concerned with the problem of special interests.

My final thought.  What Carol really means is that there is a problem in Washington that her special interest money could not overcome and the answer is to regulate their opponents and the opposition’s supporters.  That is what is strangling…..Carol and the democrat party.

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