Jeanne Shaheen’s Hypocrisy on Borders and Executive orders

Jeanne ShaheenJeanne Shaheen is at the front of the line when it comes to the far-left Democrat rhetoric on borders and executive orders. She’s happy to push the false narrative. She got behind Schumer who refused bipartisan reform in favor of political posturing. She even signed on to a bad “immigration reform bill” that could let any parent skirt justice. But where was the sensitive Senator when Barack Obama was caging children and separating families?

A review of her press releases provides the answer.

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The Sweet Stench Of Left Wing Hypocrisy

The Union Leader wastes no time, exposing Hawkins connection to money she received May 11th from America Votes (out of state left wing donation), which Granite State Progress then used to support the Democrat in the special election she is squawking about, specifically to elect that democrat, in that election.

Paul Hodes – Lobbyist?

The Concord Monitor is reporting that Paul Hodes has started a business consultancy. This will have him back and forth to Washington DC for the purpose of connecting northern New England to Washington DC; a lateral move from his role as congressman when he was trying to sign New Hampshire away to Washington DC.

Four Years All For Naught?

I have just three thoughts to share for the moment; Carol had four years in a democrat majority congress–which promised to clean up the swamp, two of them with a democrat president, and I do not see any attempt by her party or by Carol herself (she is defined legislatively as a follower not a leader) to address this or anything else outside the big blue box of liberal progressive agenda items.

More Gay Lobby Lunch Money For Lynch

Lynch has only raised 1.12 Million for the general election with his own loans. Take the loans out and he only has 350,000.00 from sources other than his own checkbook. Thirty five percent of whats left is from one special interest; gay marriage activists from Tim Gill’s Political Out Giving, the group he secretly slithered off to, to give a luncheon speech back in May.

Fiskal Konservative

…a diarist from the Daily KoS, expects you to believe that he is actually been undercover, hiding so far up under the left wing, that he would be permitted to keep and maintain a diary at the Daily KoS.

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