I have a question for Hodes spokesman Mark Bergman.
You claim that Kelly Ayotte is getting support in ads by the Chamber of commerce and…
"… there are reports that the Chamber of Commerce is using money from foreign companies to influence New Hampshire elections."
Really? What reports are those? And why have you not filed formal complaints with the FEC?
You see, ladies and gentlemen, there are already loads of laws on the books to prevent this kind of foreign influence. Mr. Bergman knows this. Paul Hodes knows this. The entire democrat party knows this, but they don’t want you to know it. So we don’t need any new ones that just happen to stifle speech democrats object to and allow it from those who support him.
The larger problem for Mr. Bergman is this; if in fact, he has evidence to prove his otherwise vague remarks, he might be subject to investigation for violating federal law himself by obstructing, concealing, or failing to promptly report legitimate violations of federal election law.
On a related note, "…there are reports that Mark Bergman and the Hodes campaign are full of s**t, and that it is influencing New Hampshire elections."
And I have already provided ample evidence to prove it.
(H/T Quote: reported by DiStaso 10/8/10 Union Leader)