Disaster in Concord
Guest post by Karen Testerman
NH’s General Court is proposing to tax anything that is moving or breathing. However, you the taxpayer know their focus is misdirected. The whole of the current administration is looking at the symptoms, what they term, "a lack of revenue."
However, the current economic disaster with a growing $150 million deficit is in reality a SPENDING problem.
It is a sad commentary that the Governor continues to speak out of both sides of his mouth. On the one hand he told the residents of this great state that we are facing a budget deficit and he would not approve further spending. Oh, by the way that was several months ago while the corner office worked with both houses to make social reconstruction the number one issue in our state.
Taking advantage of a self-created "crisis" to re-engineer the foundational institution of society to divert your attention, while the General Court passed spending measure after spending measure to create the current $150 million disaster. One wonders what underlying activities are taking place while the attention is now focused on the self created "spending spree" crisis.
And now, to address the created budget deficit, the Governor and both houses are proposing tax increase after tax increase and other potential ONE TIME revenue resources like gambling to make up the difference.
However, any of you who sits at the kitchen table knows that if there isn’t enough coming in (revenue) then some how the spending (proposed budget) must be reduced.
Have you had enough?
Get informed and get involved.
NH is a unique state! You don’t have to have bundles of money to participate. You don’t have to know someone special or travel in THE influential circle. The structure of NH allows you, the average resident of NH to be involved in the process.
We are looking for those who believe in smaller government, personal responsibility and free market capitalism. As one school in Oakland recently advertised
"Multicultural specialists, ultra liberal zealots and college-tainted oppression liberators need not apply."
For NH to remain and to continue to be first in the nation, or to hold onto the "NH Advantage" will take people with strong fundamental values, like integrity, and a willingness to serve, to step forward.
It is possible our state to recover from the disasters that are occurring in Concord. The level and rate of recovery will depend upon how many of her residents will rally to the call.
"Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom." Edmund Burke
Karen Testerman is the Director of Social Policy Coalitions for Eligere Strategies.