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Democrat Values vs. TEA Party Values: Technocrats or Elected Officials – Who Should Actually Govern?

by Skip

BUMPED from 9/30/2012: MaggieCare. Having just put up a video, HARD WORK, for Don Bolduc (for US Senate), I remember this about Maggie Hassan’s attempt to “nationalizing” NH’s hospitals and putting with a “Commission” that would have been beyond the reach of voters (sorta like what Democrat US Senator Elizabeth Warren did with the Consumer Protection Bureau – which just got shot down as unconstitutional in its structure and operation).

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Herman Cain Liberal Logic 101

Liberals and Herman Cain

by Skip

This brought back a flood of 10-year-old memories. I met Herman when he started stumping to be the next President of the United States back in 2019.

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A Long Set Up And Reaching Back Into History But It Was Worth My Time.

by Skip

ONE HAND WASHES THE OTHER: Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter activists helped you win Wisconsin. Don’t forget us. “These demands are not coming from Kenosha alone, but from all across the country, where the Black Lives Matter movement – the largest social uprising in our nation’s history – has inspired a new generation of voters and activists. … Read more

NHGOP Annual Meeting: The Reports

by Skip

Although not contiguous in time during the meeting, part of the requirement is for the officials (Secretary, Treasurer, the Chair and VChair, et al) to give their reports of what has happened this past year. Money in the bank is up and a lot of field work is being done.  A LOT of it! Anyways, … Read more

Notable Quote – Vectorman

by Skip

And this is why I endorse and will vote for Donald Trump for re-election. Reformatted, emphasis mine: “Brooks is, of course, horrified at Trump and his supporters, whom he finds childish, thuggish and contemptuous of the things that David Brooks likes about today’s America. It’s clear that he’d like a social/political revolution that was more … Read more

Quick Thought – If it wasn’t for double standards, they’d have no…

by Skip

Well, you know what the rest of that line is, right? I do agree with Jon that money is not the root of the NH GOP problems – but it is rather easy to point to as an overall symptom:

The silver lining is a timetable in which the membership of the Republican State Committee picks a new chairman in late January. Incumbent Wayne MacDonald of Derry took over a party last July that had $650 in the bank, $14,000 in bills and $48,000 in long-term debts.

“This isn’t any one person’s fault, especially Wayne, who was handed a bag of crap at the 11th hour,” posted Jon DiPietro, a conservative activist from Manchester. “But we had better get it fixed. There’s a presidential election in two years and it’s going to be here in the blink of an eye.”

Why, what is the problem here?  His immediate predecessor was Jeanne Forrester – and he was the Vice-Chair so he knew about the problem.  Now, the point of this post is not Wayne.  It IS about

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Quick Thought – seeking redress should not require police escorts for elected Representatives!

by Skip

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

While TEA Party folks like myself did protest and assembled all over the country and in DC (and generally left the protest areas cleaner than they found it), while boisterous, we were peaceful.  The Left, seeking “redress”? Not so much:

Police escorts for senators after protesters swarm the Capitol ahead of Brett Kavanaugh confirmation vote

The impassioned fight over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has led to heightened security at the Capitol, with some senators using police escorts to shield them from protesters. United States Capitol Police have arrested dozens of protesters in recent days and stepped up their presence in Capitol hallways. Some Republican senators have expressed unease over protesters who have confronted them at their Senate offices, restaurants, airports and even their homes.

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A Font Deserves More Faith than The Party Platform (among other things)

Jennifer Horn started out as a Tea Party Conservative. Defend the Constitution. Fight the Establishment Ruling Class. No Government Health Care, blah blah blah. That very quickly went by the wayside. Way (way way way way) by the wayside. She’s still faithful to Times Roman 12pt, though. Feel free to take that wherever you like.  

GraniteGrok: Conservative? Check! ‘Grok: TEA Party? Check! Bill O’Brien supporters? Check! Mark Hounsell seeking out the ‘Grok as a platform? Hypocrite!

by Skip

Mark HounsellDuring the Womens’ Defense League of NH‘s annual Gun Rally, Mark Housell ( now FORMER candidate for US Congress in NH’s CD-1) actively sought me out (not hard to miss – ‘Grok hat on, camera in tow) almost as soon as a “late arrived) to have me do an interview.  We tried to do it right then but the volume of the PA system was too loud so he waited until after the event had concluded – which took quite some time.  Then he waited as I interviewed several other people first so it was clear that he craved the publicity this Conservative, TEA Party, Bill O’Brien, multiple AFP award winning site could provide him.  Yet, this is what he told the Laconia Daily Sun as he exited the race (reformatted, emphasis mine:

Hounsell did say that those pushing a liberal agenda are making “blatant and unabashed attempts to buy New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District with out-of-state money,” while the state’s Republican party “is hog-tied by right-wing extremists passing as conservatives.”

Hounsell disagreed with the “big tent” analogy [of NH GOP Forrester’s big tent analogy -Skip]. “The people who are in that big tent are doing all they can to change it from a big tent to a pup tent,” he said, naming Bill O’Brien and Americans for Prosperity. “If you don’t pass their so-called purity test, you’re not really part of it. I don’t fit their definition of what a conservative is; that is, neo-con, Tea [sic] Party.

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GrokTALK! – Mark Meckler

Mark Meckler, one of the founding leaders of the TEA Party movement, joins us to discuss convention politics, candidates, post-convention fallout-scenarios, what we need to do to take over the GOP, and more.  

A voice suffering from Government Tyranny – simply for being TEA Party – Part 1

by Skip

Am on vacation this week – a “staycation” in doing errands as well as finally starting to approach the long list of “honey-do’s” (as well as long list of tasks of my own).  Both have long laid fallow resulting in, well, “the house suffering from benign neglect from blogging”.  A week won’t cut it down substantially, but the habit will be formed (er, I hope, under  (long suffering) TMEW’s stern visage).

As I was go thither and fro, TMEW had the news on TV on and I caught a bit of the testimony from some of the TEA Party leaders who had been targeted by the IRS simply for having “TEA Party” in their names.  I have transcribed one so far and am doing one more now – of the six people who testified to Congress, I think these are representative of all of the people who felt their country slipping away these last few years and deliberately being transformed from its original ideals at the time of our Founding and simply felt it was time to educate their fellow citizens and roust them from their political slumber.  One such lady is Becky Gerritson of the Watumbka (AL) TEA Party:

If you do not have the 7 minutes to watch, at least glance through the transcription (I got “most of it”) to see what was important – the fear that our Government that was meant to be public servants to Citizens is now turning that table to that of a Public Master to a public servitude.

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A voice suffering from Government Tyranny – simply for being TEA Party – Part 2

by Skip

“I think the IRS needs to fix its labeling machine: we’re the San Fernando Valley TEA Party not Occupy Oakland”

In addition to Becky Gerritson, another TEA Party founder by the name of Dr. Karen Kenny  of the San Fernando Valley TEA Party testified to the Congressional committee on the targeting that they received from the IRS (emphasis mine):

Thank you Mr. Chairman.  John Adams knew that facts are stubborn things. In this district, facts are hidden under the mantle of office.  They get used as tools or weapons but they wait for us. We must seek them with the Lamp of Truth and put them into words.

But you and I speak languages in this Republic. You speak the language of Power, of pen, purse, and gavel. I speak American grassroots, the language of Liberty, through Providence, Property, and Civic Virtue.

We seldom speak together about The Rule of Law unless it is ignored or violated; now is such a time. I have a story that bridges the distance between my State of California and this Capital.  What I say here must be said here.

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