
Money Is Not the Problem for NH GOP

by Jon DiPietro Nobody asked me what the NH GOP’s biggest problem is. And few, if any, will care what I have to say. But that’s OK because I’ve been through this before in another volunteer organization and I know how change works. More on that later. In this article, I’m going to answer the … Read more

Something Missing Up In Concord…

by Bill Harmon

Newcomer Candidate Jim Kelly is running for State Representative in Hollis (Hillsborough 27). He is a physician, now semi-retired.

Jim’s son came to him in 2010 while attending West Point and told him – the Army needs Doctors. Jim was Commissioned in the US Army in Aug, 2010, and is a Lt. Colonel. He was deployed to Afghanistan in 2012 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and the UAE in 2015 in support of Operation Spartan Shield. He is now the Deputy Commander for Clinical Services in the NHANG.

This summer, Jim was given a mission.  It came down from the National Guard Bureau that NH needed to improve their medical readiness to above 90%. They were ranked 38th in the country at the time. Just this month it was announced that they are now at 94%, and number 1 in the nation.  That was the mission, and under Jim’s leadership – it was accomplished. And in short time.

It doesn’t stop there why this man would be such an asset in Concord.

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Ann kuster

And We’ll Have Jobs Jobs Jobs till Ann Kuster Takes our Tax Cuts Awayyyyy..

by Anonymous (With apologies to the Beach Boys) Well she lost her voters cash When Republicans reformed the Tax Code now Said its tax cuts for the rich corporations Like Nancy told her to say now And if Dems take the House They’ll Raise taxes just as fast as they can now And We’ll Have Jobs … Read more

“Our Constitution was founded on that and I will not let anyone take that away from us.”

“This is not a gun right. This is a Constitutional Right…It’s not just the Second Amendment, the First, Freedom of Speech is being halted on college campuses. Pick whatever Bill of Right you want, I will stand in front of it because it is a bedrock document for us. Our Constitution was founded on that … Read more

Republican Steve Negron Signs Term Limits Pledge Outside Democrat Ann Kuster Office.

New Hampshire Congressional District 2 Republican candidate Steve Negron has signed the term limits pledge. But he didn’t just sign it. He did it outside one of Ann Kuster’s New Hampshire offices. Kuster is running for her fourth term in office. “As a state legislator here in the state of New Hampshire we embody the term … Read more

Illegal alien caravan

Referendum on Illegal Immigration…

By Marc Abear

How long ago was it that both political parties supported America? How long ago was it that both political parties believed America’s border laws should be enforced? Leftists now openly advocate for open borders which is dissolution of America. Earlier this year, the call to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, morphed into a Democrat Party position through support from Senators Warren and Gillibrand et.al. It is easy to see how this high visibility public position encourages more illegal immigration, including the caravans.

Even former President Obama when he was a senator said, at least rhetorically, that illegal immigrants couldn’t be let into the country en masse and without restrictions. “… We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants into this country…” Do you support Obama or Warren & Gillibrand?

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Steve Negron to Kick Off 31-Stop GOTV Victory Tour in Nashua Monday

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 27, 2018 Contact: Roger Wilkins press@teamnegron.com, 603-864-8633 Steve Negron to Kick Off 31-Stop GOTV Victory Tour in Nashua Monday Nashua, NH – Steve Negron, the Republican nominee for New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District, will kick off his 31-Stop GOTV Victory Tour with a series of diner stops around Nashua on Monday, … Read more

Liberalism Turned Left…

By Marc Abear

American liberalism is being forced to radicalize. It has moved towards socialism and an increasingly post-modern form of leadership. Our youngest generation is openly embracing socialism. Identity politics with its faith in race, sex, and power as the keys to being and meaning is rising.

The #MeToo movement adopted the credo, “Believe the woman.” That is accepting truth will emerge from yielding to the will of the more politically correct “Her truth,” which is stronger than any objective truth. It rejects the adversarial process of objectively weighing evidence and testimony before the bar of reason. That is a pretty fundamental change from where America started; from where we were after the Civil War.

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To stop Illegal immigration or not to stop illegal immigration

By Marc Abear

With Election Day near we should be aware of the Left’s priorities most especially when it is supported by action. Their priorities added to their basic lack of understanding of the separation of powers help us see useful facts when making Election Day decisions. In trying to help the Left on Election Day, Eliot Engel, ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, a Democrat from New York has taken a stand on illegal immigration.

The president said he would cut off foreign aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras if they aided or failed to curtail the caravan of illegal immigrants headed north. Engel believes the President lacks the authority to make that decision. The Washington Examiner reports Engel said, “Trump lacks the authority to make those decisions unilaterally due to a law called the Impoundment Control Act… Fortunately, Congress — not the president — has the power of the purse, and my colleagues and I will not stand idly by as this administration ignores congressional intent.”

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ICYMI – Harry Bean: candidate for NH State House, Belknap County District 2 (Gilford-Meredith)

My name is Harry H. Bean and I live at 234 Saltmarsh Pond Road in Gilford, NH. I am running to be your NH State Rep from Belknap County District 2 (Gilford and Meredith).

Why am I running? One reason is that about a dozen current or past State Reps who have known me for quite some time asked me to after my time on the Gilford Budget Committee. At that point I gave it real consideration and decided that I can make a difference after working inside government and having to deal with government.

Issues that concern me:

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kuster with pelosi

How ‘Bi-Partisan’ is Ann Kuster…?

How ‘Bipartisan’ is Ann Kuster? She can’t even name a Republican she admires. Roger Wilkins, Steve Negron’s general consultant, released the following statement: “Listening to Congresswoman Ann Kuster stumble over her words as she unsuccessfully tried to come up with just a single Republican she ‘admires’ in Congress would be laughable if it wasn’t so … Read more

Kevin Avard

Sen. Kevin Avard: I’ve Made Fixing Our Economy My Top Priority.

State Sen. Kevin Avard In the State Senate, I’ve made fixing our economy my top priority. Send me back to Concord on Tuesday, November 6th and we’ll continue to get the job done. (view video on facebook)

What Is Likely To Happen With Gun Control Following The Midterms?

By Sam Bocetta

2018 has been notable for many reasons in regards to the political landscape, but something very notable about this election cycle is how gun control has taken center stage to the point that it’s become a chief focal point of many campaigns for local, state, and Federal offices.

The reason for this is simple: the push for gun control is much stronger this year than it has been in years previously.  Whereas guns used to be a ‘side issue’ so to say, now they are undoubtedly a front and center issue for the 2018 midterms.

But the real question is this: since gun control is now officially one of the hottest political topics in the political arena, what is likely to happen concerning the issue once the midterms are over and we have a new Congress in January?

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Corey Lewandowski Puts Fear of ‘Prosperity’ In Kuster Campaign

Campaign Email Update Friends, Despite having nearly Three million dollars in Washington Insider money to campaign with …Corey Lewandowski’s support for Steve Negron this weekend has Kuster’s camp scrambling for more. Why? It’s not enough! Donald Trump has rallied Republicans, independent voters, and a growing army of Democrats who are Walking Away from career politicians … Read more


Press Release: Eddie Edwards to Tour Granite State Manufacturing

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 21, 2018 Contact: Derek Dufresne derek@rightvoter.com, 202-809-6013 Eddie Edwards to Tour Granite State Manufacturing Dover, NH – Eddie Edwards, the Republican nominee for New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District, will tour Granite State Manufacturing tomorrow. WHAT: Tour of Granite State Manufacturing WHEN: Monday, October 22, 1:00 pm WHERE: Granite State Manufacturing – 124 Joliette … Read more

Press Release: Steve Negron’s Weekend Schedule

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 19, 2018 Contact: Roger Wilkins press@teamnegron.com, 603-864-8633 Steve Negron’s Weekend Schedule Nashua, NH – Steve Negron, the Republican nominee for New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District, will have the following public schedule this weekend: WHAT: Manchester Gun Show WHEN: Saturday, October 20th at 8:00 am WHERE: Manchester Downtown Hotel – 700 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101 … Read more


Ann Kuster’s “Woodburn” Problem: She Didn’t “Believe” His Accuser (Not Really)

The Editors, New Hampshire State Sen. Jeff Woodburn’s district encompasses a significant chunk on Congresswoman Ann Kuster’s Congressional District. So, what? Annie has spent the better part of the last month using words like temperament, discussing moral character, and the importance of believing women who accuse men of sexual or domestic violence. But Ann Kuster does … Read more

Jeanine Notter, Republican, for NH State Representative in Hillsborough 21

I am seeking my 5th term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives as your Representative from Merrimack, NH and I ask for your vote on November 6th.  My voting record proves that I am a strong, committed conservative. I believe in a smaller, more frugal state government, the sanctity of innocent human life, justice for victims of heinous crimes, 2nd Amendment rights, and traditional values.  I believe we must continue to strive for voter integrity. I respect our flag and love our veterans.

I served on the committee of Science, Technology, and Energy for two terms and State & Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs for the first two terms. I voted no on every bill that would increase taxes or fees and will continue to do so.


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Ann Kuster

Politics Before People: Democrat Ann Kuster Won’t Defend Her Own Constituents

The Editors, Congresswoman Ann Kuster doesn’t vote bipartisan. She doesn’t legislate that way either. She can’t even be bothered to defend “bipartisan.” Even when they are her own constituents. People like rural undeclared voters. Ann Kuster’s district is full of them. But when it was reported last Fall that a pro-Trump group was looking to reach … Read more


“A Democrat for Tim Lord”

On the day that I proudly became a US citizen, I also registered to vote as a Democrat. In 2016, I was saddened and concerned by Donald Trump’s victory. Since then, I have been far more deeply saddened, however, by the viciously negative response to Trump’s victory among so many on the left. I was beyond … Read more

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