Introducing RU-IR8 – The Electoral Abortifacient

Introducing RU-IR8, the new electoral abortifacient specifically designed to provide political relief for voters exposed to left-wing rhetoric without proper protection. 

RU-IR8 (Brand Name R-U-Irate) can be taken within 23 months of the initial exposure but works best if taken early and often. 

RU-IR8, when used properly, can facilitate a reduction or the expulsion of excess or unwanted socialist central planners–(by removing lumps of left-wing tissue from the womb of your Constitutional Republic). 

Swelling of your income may occur. 

Other side effects included reduced taxes, increased business growth and employment, the ability to buy health insurance across state lines, reduced prices and cost of living, shrinking of your government bureaucracy and the federal debt and deficit, the invigorated right to keep and bear arms, an influx of jobs in an energy sector that does not require massive federal handouts, improved liberty, and a return to your regular Wednesday night programming.

States Rights can also occur.

Using RU-IR8 may require increased personal responsibility to help provide an advanced sense of awareness about corrupt state and local politicians, further reducing your faith in top-down solutions to common everyday problems. 

People using RU-IR8 must regularly exercise their civic duty. 

RU-IR8 may reduce the need to politicize everything and result in fewer incidents of manufactured crises.  It may also reduce depression, frustration, and in some cases, the incidence of physical ticks like pointing and or waving at the television. 

Reinfection is possible, so to extend the effect of RU-IR8, users are encouraged to consult the US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist papers.

A more detailed list of outpatient resources is available upon request. 

With regular treatment, over time, future unprotected exposure to liberal left-wing rhetoric will have little or no effect, with the possible exception of head shaking and or bursts of laughter.

It may also improve Electoral Dysfunction.


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