RINO’s and other go-along, get-along Republicans have traditionally been terrified of being labeled "the Party of No." It’s time for that BS to end. It’s been part of a long-running effort by the Democrats to Mau-Mau the GOP. This is the old, tired script Buckley [NH Democrat Party Chair] is trying to make fly…one…last…time.
In fact, today the GOP would be wise to embrace the moniker:
- We say no to Socialism.
- We say no to higher taxes.
- We say no to bigger government.
- We say no to unconstitutional appointment of "czars."
- We say no to obvious lies told in speeches made to the American people.
- We say no to the Democrats breaking multiple false promises they made in order to get elected in 2008.
- We say no to Wall Street bank bailouts.
- We say no to federal government takeovers of giant companies like GM and Chrysler.
- We say no to unconstitutional "security" schemes like the so-called "Patriot" acts.
- We say no to laws like McCain-Feingold that seek to restrict the 1st Amendment in order to protect incumbents.
- We say no to socialized medicine.
- We say no to a Congress and political class that lives like royalty and thinks they are the masters of normal working citizens.
- We say no to a national security organization that condemns as "security risks" American military veterans, gun-owners, and 2nd Amendment activists.
In other words, we are saying no to statism in general and the unconstitutional, unlimited growth of the federal government power in general.
As to what we say YES to, the examples are too numerous to specify. Suffice to say that the New GOP says:
- YES to free market capitalism.
- YES to the U.S. Constitutional limits on federal government power.
- YES to lower taxes.
- YES to smaller government.
- YES to market-based health care reforms.
- YES to bankruptcy for failed banks and companies,
- YES to the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
- YES to the authority of individual states and the plan of federalism embodied in the U.S. Constitution.
Most of all we say YES to individual freedom, YES to Constitutional limits on government power, YES to the Bill of Rights, and YES liberty and justice for all.
So here’s why we shouldn’t be afraid of the old "you’re the Party of No" taunts from the likes of lying politicians and their state party chairmen.