ACORN Cracks


ACRON announced yesterday that it’s national presence is no more. The State field offices and affiliates will close up shop and the national organization will shut down by April 1st.    This comes one month after ACORN announced that the national structure had dissolved into state organizations. 

ACORN’s larger chapters have been spinning off for a few months, changing their names to escape the negative impact ‘ACORN’ has on fundraising and public perception.  I’m not clear on what un-dead bits of Zombie ACORN still walk the earth but I’m sure someone somewhere knows.

In the mean time, Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe should be inducted into the conservative Justice Leage of America.  They almost single-handedly shined the cleansing light of day upon an organization that  had grown large and corrupt, by forcing unwanted attention on the activities of this sprawling pack of thieves and liars.

Anyone know if James and Hannah have any plans to investigate the US congress?

Cross Posted From NH Insider

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