The End Of Combat Operations My ….

The AP Headline reads…"US forces in deadly fight in Iraq." I only mention it because we should expect to see this kind of thing when we leave 50,000.00 armed "advisers" in a militant and unstable country. The point is not that they are there, or that there is a reason for them to be there, … Read more

I Beg To Differ


An editorial in this morning’s UL attempts to suggest the voting results demonstrate a unique character to New Hampshire’s electorate but it makes some assumptions that to me seem a bit naive

That’s not to say the premise is wholly wrong, just that anyone who was really paying attention to the finer details during the primary would not have been fooled.

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Obama Appoints Shaheen to UN [Updated 2.0]

September 16, 2010 2:00 AM (2AM?) WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama on Wednesday announced his intent to nominate Sen. Jeanne Shaheen to serve as representative of the United States to the 65th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. "I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as representative of the United … Read more

Ashooh, Mahoney To Aid Guinta Campaign

I’m not sure what that level of commitment entails, but symbolically it invites the supporters of both candidates to assist in the shared goal of removing a guaranteed vote for anything Pelosi proposes in all it’s destructive glory whether she is a majority or minority leader.

Primary Night (scratch that) “Morning After” Update

The initial indications showing Frank Guinta with the lead have continued as the evening has developed but the race tightened with Rich Ashooh closing to withing a small percentage.  In the end Guinta prevailed with Sean Mahoney–who conceded early coming in third place. The Ovide/Kelly race is so close it still has not been called. … Read more

The NRSC Needs To Be Spanked Around Some More

The National RINO Senatorial Committee (NRSC) seems poised to deny the peoples choice in Delaware any of their precious treasure. Too bad some of that treasure comes from regular republicans like the people who selected Christine O’Donnell as their candidate for November.

Hodespocrisy – Quick shot

Mr. Ethics, Paul "Hot Dog" Hodes (you know what’s inside hot dogs) still has a slew of Senate slime ball donors for me to review, but this caught my attention and I had to write it up. The top 20 recipients of Lobbyist funds in the 2010 cycle includes 15 democrats.  (That’s 15 out of … Read more

Can You See The Signs?

The Shahodesheaporter New Hampshicrat trio gave us the stimulus, all the waste and crony handouts buried inside it, the stupid rules that knee-capped job regular creation as only bureaucracy can, and the debt. Oh yeah–they spent 20 million on signs to tell us they were spending billions on…nothing.

The Dem’s Have A new Logo

      This is the new Democrat party logo.  Just think Bullseye the "Target Dog," only this goes around the anus of the donkey.

Primary Day Open Thread [Updated]

Primary Election Day Open Thread. Why is your candidate the one who will win?  Why will your opponent lose? What do we need to focus on heading into November.  Get it out of your system because tomorrow we are all on the same team. After today we have but one opponent in every race and … Read more

Boom Baby! Milton Friedman Brings The Rain

I can’t thank Erik Erickson enough for posting this.   In two minutes Milton Friedman destroys Phil Donahue.  I don’t need to go on—let’s just enjoy it shall we?   Just look at Phil’s face. He’s beside his liberal self with nowhere to run. (updated)–I do want to point out, to Phil’s credit, that he is … Read more

Live From Murphy’s Taproom-Guinta Campaing Election Night Event

I’m sitting in the backroom of Murphy’s Taproom surrounded by a throng of people, laptops, and smart phones and at some point in the next hour or so we will have some idea of who will be the next congressman from CD-1.  Yeah, I’m assuming that whomever wins will crush Carol Seiu-Porter. So check in … Read more

Houghton Hears A Who

I’m reading Kimberly Houghton’s front page press on Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s remarks at the Nashua Steak Out and it’s missing something.  It is missing dimension. It’s missing well, some facts.

Houghton seems to be obsessed with the term illegal immigrants, inserting it in reference to some of the things the County Sheriff noted as unconventional, when in fact he was referring to the general population of his jail, not just the illegal population.

Arpaio explained that they switched to pink underwear becasue nobody steals it.  With the white underwear, when you let them out, you’d find them wearing three or four pair at a time–stealing the taxpayers money.  No one steals the pink underwear.  But Houghton writes it as if only the illegals are involved, and is he actually taking away their underwear altogether?  We have no way to know.

Arpaio said illegal immigrants must be punished by taking away privileges such as white underwear, coffee and R-rated movies. Acknowledging his title as “America’s toughest sheriff,” Arpaio said he is fair.

He is more fair than she is, but you are left with her (or her editors) "interesting" perspective unless you were there and most of the UL’s readers were not.


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Union Herpes

Unions talk about evil corporations, but consider this.  Corporations entice you to purchase their products but you are free to say no.  You are not obligated to give them your money, you can choose to spend it somewhere else or not at all.  By denying them a portion of your income you deny them the … Read more

Bass Linked To Soros?

Charlie Bass is a Main Street Republican, even serving in a leadership position for some years.

The Main Street Republicans are RINO’s, moderates, they are not conservatives, nor are they libertarians.  They are big government right of center democrats.  And according to Michelle Malkin one of the group’s soft money fronts has (in the past) accepted donations from the likes of George Soros.

The donations go back to 2002 and 2005 and the money "launderers" are claiming no affiliation, but Malkin has dug up enough details of her own and from other sources to make a case that Soros sees enough value in the policy positions of Main Street Republicans–people like Charlie Bass–to feel comfortable giving them large sums of money.

You can follow the links, do all the reading, and come to your own conclusions–I’m not here to seel you on it–but anyone who has seen the C-Bass voting record knows he is closer to Soros than anyone else running for the Republican nomination in CD-2.

You would think that should matter in a state with the motto Live Free or Die.  You’d think.


(H/T Michelle Malkin) Links on the jump

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Political Ads Keep Getting Stranger

This Political Ad is destined to be a classic.  It’s from a Republican running in San Francisco.  You read that right.  I can’t imagine how Republican he could be but even if he’s like Charlie Bass that’s a huge improvement. So take a look. And guess who Nancy Pelosi is.   Just for perspective, Pelosi … Read more

Dems Robo-Call against Bill O’Brien

It looks like the NHDP is trying to harpoon Republican candidate for Speaker Bill O’Brien.  Must think he’s a threat to the tax and spend lifestyle of the left. Here is a message from Bill about this political attack to his constituents.   Dear Neighbor, This afternoon Ray Buckley, the chairman of the NH Democrat … Read more

Live blogging The Nashua Steak Out

We are here, and set up.  The event starts soon.  Granite Grok just interviewed Sheriff Joe Arpaio–so watch for that interview later today.  

The Liberal Darkness

 On faith, or a lack of, in the enduring order of life.   "Habit and Custom may be the wisdom of unlettered men, but they come from the sound ancient heart of humanity.  Even the wisest of mankind cannot live by reason alone; pure arrogant reason, denying the claims of prejudice (which commonly are also … Read more


I am still looking for the link to the original, but I needed something light-hearted today, and this has to be it. Picked up via Pajama’s Media–over at Althouse, there’s was some speculation over why the President was not wearing his wedding ring at his press conference.  You can read it here, but I’ll share … Read more

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